
A flexible GUI based on Tkinter. An easy way to visualise preferences defined in a json file, including option controllers. User friendly and easy to implement in projects.

GUI, Preferences, Settings, Options, Tkinter, JSON
pip install tk-flexible-preferences-gui==0.1.4



A flexible GUI based on Tkinter. An easy way to visualise preferences defined in a json file, including option controllers. User friendly and easy to implement in projects.

Many developers struggle with difficulties how to handle a whole groups of settings. There is a handy way to visualize them and control by included widgets as:

  • groups of settings
  • dropdown menus for boolean values
  • text fields

How to use it:

  1. Install the module using pip.
  2. Start from preparation of json file with options and allowed values. Please keep the structure and keywords.
  3. Import flexgui wrapper
  4. Make a call of function create_gui() with at least config.json

Optional arguments for Tkinter window definition are:

  • title
  • width
  • height