
a benchmark tool for Joy and Zeek

pip install tlsfeatmark==0.1



What is Tlsfeatmark

Tlsfeatmark is a benchmark tool for TLS analytics using Joy and Zeek. It generates nice JSON output on several statistics for each pcap and all pcaps analyzed:

  • the number of TCP stream found
  • the number of TLS stream found
  • the number of certificates found
  • the elapsed time of analysis

Sample output

===== Summary =====
    "cpu": "11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz",
    "os": "Linux 4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64",
    "time": "2022-06-27 13:43:03",
    "joy": {
        "job": {
            "tool": "joy",
            "pcap_path": "/home/dev/tlsfeatmark/pcaps/small_pcaps",
            "pcap_num": 5,
            "tls_total": 323,
            "cert_total": 294,
            "elapsed_total": 0.32
        "task": [
                "name": "2021-01-13-Emotet-epoch-2-infection-traffic-with-Trickbot-gtag-mor13-2.pcap",
                "tls_num": 46,
                "cert_num": 78,
                "elapsed": 0.06
                "name": "2021-01-04-Emotet-infection-with-Trickbot-traffic.pcap",
                "tls_num": 10,
                "cert_num": 10,
                "elapsed": 0.04
            ... # skip several other tasks
    "zeek": {
        "job": {
            "tool": "zeek",
            "pcap_path": "/home/dev/tlsfeatmark/pcaps/small_pcaps",
            "pcap_num": 5,
            "tls_total": 323,
            "cert_total": 477,
            "elapsed_total": 1.06
        "task": [
                "name": "2021-01-13-Emotet-epoch-2-infection-traffic-with-Trickbot-gtag-mor13-2.pcap",
                "tls_num": 46,
                "cert_num": 84,
                "elapsed": 0.23
                "name": "2021-01-04-Emotet-infection-with-Trickbot-traffic.pcap",
                "tls_num": 10,
                "cert_num": 15,
                "elapsed": 0.17
            # skip several other tasks


Tlsfeatmark relies on Joy and Zeek, and they work well on Linux and Mac OSX.

  • Linux: Centos8/Ubuntu20.04, tested
  • Mac: x86/M1, tested
  • Windows: untested

How to install

  1. Install Joy

see Joy official documentation for installation.

  1. Install Zeek

see Zeek official documentation for installation.

  1. Install tlsfeatmark

pip install tlsfeatmark

How to use

Tlsfeatmark is easy to use once Joy and Zeek are installed.

  1. Configure pcap_path in config.txt

pcap_path is the pcap file or dir containing pcaps to be analyzed.

pcap_path supports absolute and relative path. For relative path (relative to, use ./ as prefix, for example, ./pcaps/small_pcaps.

  1. Run

  2. View results in output folder.


Tlsfeatmark is under MIT license, see LICENSE for more information.