
Add properties to tmx files.

tmx, converter
pip install tmxtagger==1.0.1


This package allows you to add certain tags to tmx files

How to install on Windows (no admin rights required)

Step 1. Get Python 3 from Microsoft Store

Step 2. Get PowerShell from Microsoft Store

Step 3. Create a new folder in your file system on Windows

Step 4. Right-click on that folder and select Open in Terminal

Step 5. Write the following in the command line of the open Terminal window:

> python3 -m venv .venv
> .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
> python3 -m pip install tmxtagger

How to use

If you've just finished the installation, just type in in the command line:

> python3 -m tmxtagger

This will open a Folder Selection dialogue window. Use it to select the folder containing your tmx files. After you click on Select, the program will create a new folder called \tmx-trados-style within that selected folder.

The name of each original tmx file will becomes an attribute of each element so that when you import such tmx files into Trados Studio's TM, each imported segment will have a property whose value is the name of the tmx file from which that segment originated. It will also modify the tmx file header to conform to Trados Studio style.

If you already closed PowerShell, use Windows Explorer to find the folder that you created in Step 3 (or simply repeat Steps 3 to 5 if you can't find it). Open that folder in PowerShell Terminal. Then type in the following commands in the PowerShell window:

> .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
> python3 -m tmxtagger