
Python wrapper for the Toodledo v3 API which is documented at

pip install toodledo==1.5.1



Python wrapper for the Toodledo v3 API which is documented at Available on PyPI at

This fork is being actively maintained by Jonathan Kamens <>. Changelogs of new releases are published on Github.

Thanks to Rehan Khwaja for creating this library.

Please support this project on Patreon.


If you're using this library to build a web app that will be used by multiple people, you need to be familiar with how to use OAuth2 for authentication between your web app and Toodledo. Explaining how to do that is beyond the scope of this document.

To use the library, you need to register an app in your Toodledo account. This can be done at You will need the client ID and client secret for your app shown on the registration page to connect to the API.

If you're using this library to build a private script you're running yourself, you will probably want to use the CommandLineAuthorization function in the library to authenticate the first time. Something like this:

import os
from toodledo import TokenStorageFile, CommandLineAuthorization

tokenFilePath = "fill in path to token file"
clientId = "fill in your app client ID"
clientSecret = "fill in your app client secret"
scope = "basic tasks notes folders write"
tokenStorage = TokenStorageFile(tokenFilePath)

if not os.path.exists(tokenFilePath):
    CommandLineAuthorization(clientId, clientSecret, scope, tokenStorage)

It will prompt you to visit a URL, which will prompt you to log into Toodledo if you're not already logged in, then click a "SIGN IN" button. The sign in will fail since you presumably specified a bogus redirect URL when registering the app, but you can then copy the failed URL from your browser back into the script to complete the authentication process.

Once you've authenticated, you create an API instance like this:

toodledo = Toodledo(

And here's how you call the API:

account = toodledo.GetAccount()

allTasks = toodledo.GetTasks()

See the help messages on individual methods.

See also this more extensive example of using the API in a script.

Using the task cache

In addition to close-to-the-metal access to the API endpoints, this library also implements a TaskCache class that you can use to cache tasks persistently in a file which is updated incrementally when things change in Toodledo. Import the class and look at its help string for more information.

Developing the library

The library uses poetry for managing packages, building, and publishing. You can do poetry install at the top level of the source tree to install all of the needed dependencies to build and run the library. poetry build builds packages, and poetry publish publishes them to PyPI.

All the code in the library is both pylint and flake8 clean, and any PRs that are submitted should maintain that. Run poetry run pylint *.py tests toodledo and poetry run flake8 to check everything.

To run the tests, set the following environment variables:

Then generate the credentials json file by running

poetry run python

Then run the tests by executing

poetry run pytest

in the root directory.

Please ensure that all the tests pass in any PRs you submit.