
A collection of python utils for webapps.

pip install toolip==0.2


🌷 toolip 🌷

A collection of python utils for webapps



pip install toolip


If you want to contribute a small change/feature, the best is to just create a PR with your changes. For bigger changes/features it's best to open an issue first and discuss it to agree on the code organization and overall implementation before spending too much time on the code, unless you want to keep it in your own forked repo.

Setting up the development environment

We use the python poetry package to manage this package. Follow the official instructions to install poetry on your system then once you clone this repository just just need to do the following to install the dependencies from the development environment, as well as install toolip in editable mode:

poetry install

Then you can start monitoring the code for changes and run the test suite this way:

poetry shell

Build and run documentation (lazydocs/mkdocs)

Documentation for this package is handled by lazydocs and so it needs a few steps to generate it locally.

Inside poetry shell:

lazydocs --overview-file="" \
--src-base-url="" \
--output-path="./docs/api-docs" \
--validate .

mkdocs build
mkdocs serve

The default URL is at


We use poetry to manage the dependencies and flit to build and publish to pypi because unlike poetry it allows to set the metadata on pypi such as author or homepage.

Howto publish

  1. Change the version in the pyproject.toml and toolip/ files
    • you can use poetry version XXXXX to change pyproject.toml
  2. Commit to git
  3. Run poetry build to create the package folders in /dist
  4. Run flit publish to publish to PyPI
  5. Tag the release in git and push it to Github