
processing timer module for running on the cloud with the quota time like Kaggle and colab

timer, quota, kaggle, colab
pip install tquota==0.0.2



Processing timer module: help if the code is running on the cloud server which has a quota limitation, such as kaggle and colab which have a limit for 9 hours of processing on each session

quota class

The package has only one class (quota) that has two parameters

  • quota_time: type (str) default value (6h) : represent the quota time for the session
  • gap_time: type (str) default value (30m): represent the time gap between the quota limit and the actual closing time for the session

The time has a strict format to be passed with; it has to part dw while d: represent the time as digits w: the time and one character(w) to represent the time period

  • s : Seconds
  • m : Minutes
  • h : Hours
  • d : Days


quota class has two functions:

  • time_up : return True if the process reaches it is limit
  • hastime : return True if the process still has time to process


you can install the package from pypi.

pip install tquota


Import the quota class as following

from tquota import quota

Example on using the package:

  • Using time_up function:
from tquota import quota
import time
# quota _time was set for 1 minute and the gap _time as 30 second
qt = quota('1m','30s')
for i in range(1000):
    if qt.time_up():
        print('The process has reached the limited time')
  • Using hastime function:
from tquota import quota
import time
# quota _time was set for 1 minute and the gap _time as 30 second
qt = quota('1m','30s')
for i in range(1000):
    if not qt.hastime():
        print('The process has reached the limited time')