
a small python project

pip install track-transportation==0.0.8


Transportation Detection and Tracking CLI

This Python package, track_transportation, provides functionalities for detecting and tracking objects related to transportation in videos.

Installation To install track_transportation, you can use pip:

bash pip install track_transportation

Usage: Once installed, you can use the provided command-line interface (CLI) to detect and track transportation objects in a video.

Detection Function: The detect_objects function in the module allows you to detect transportation objects in an image. Here's how you can use it in your Python script:


from transportation.detection import detect_objects
import cv2

<!-- Load image -->

image = cv2.imread('image.jpg')

<!-- Perform object detection -->

detections = detect_objects(image)

<!-- Process detections as needed -->

print("Detected objects:")

Requirements This package requires the following dependencies:

  1. numpy
  2. opencv-python
  3. torch
  4. matplotlib
  5. ultralytics
  6. cvzone
  7. sort
  8. tqdm

These dependencies will be automatically installed when you install track_transportation.


  1. Ensure that you have a compatible version of Python installed on your system.
  2. It's recommended to use a virtual environment to manage your Python dependencies.
  3. Make sure that the input video file exists and is accessible to the CLI.