A python wrapper for Open Trivia DB

pip install


An easy to use python api wrapper for Open Trivia DB with autocaching

Note: There is an request limit of 1 category per request and a max of 50 questions per request


Python 3.6 or higher is required

pip install




  • amount (int): The amount of questions you wish to request, defaults to 10

  • category (int): The category you wish to request from (refer to table below for which number correlates to which category), defaults to None returning all categories.

Int Category
0 All categories
1 General Knowledge
2 Entertainment: Books
3 Entertainment: Film
4 Entertainment: Music
5 Entertainment: Musicals & Theatres
6 Entertainment: Television
7 Entertainment: Video Games
8 Entertainment: Board Games
9 Science & Nature
10 Science: Computers
11 Science: Mathematics
12 Mythology
13 Sports
14 Geography
15 History
16 Politics
17 Art
18 Celebrities
19 Animals
20 Vehicles
21 Entertainment: Comics
22 Science: Gadgets
23 Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga
24 Entertainment: Cartoon & Animations
  • difficulty (str): The difficulty of the questions, can be easy, medium, or hard. Defaults to None returning all difficulties.

  • quizType (str): The type of questions, can be multiple (multiple choice questions), or boolean (true/false questions). Defaults to None returning all questions types.


Return a list of dicts which contains the keys below

  • category (str): The category the question comes from.

  • type (str): The type of question (multiple, or boolean).

  • difficulty (str): The difficulty of the question.

  • question (str): The text of the question.

  • correct_answer (str): The correct answer.

  • incorrect_answer (list): List of strings of all the incorrect answers.


Basic code example

from trivia import trivia
import asyncio

#To use outside of an async function
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
questions = loop.run_until_complete(trivia.question(amount=1, category=2, difficulty='easy', quizType='multiple'))

#To use within an aysnc function
async def main():
    questions = await trivia.question(amount=1, category=2, difficulty='easy', quizType='multiple')

An example of the return

    'category': 'Entertainment: Books', 
    'type': 'multiple', 
    'difficulty': 'easy', 
    'question': 'What is the title of the first Sherlock Holmes book by Arthur Conan Doyle?',
     'correct_answer': 'A Study in Scarlet', 
     'incorrect_answers': ['The Sign of the Four', 'A Case of Identity', 'The Doings of Raffles Haw']