
Python utility classes and functions

pip install trm.utils==1.0.0



trm.utils is a home for a few odds and ends that don't on their own justify their own package but are quite often useful. For instance trm.utils.vec3 is a sub-module that handles 3D Cartesian vectors, while trm.utils.splfit is a method based on scipy routines that carries out the commonly needed task of spline fitting with rejection of bad data.


trm.utils makes use of numpy, scipy and astropy (listed in the pyproject.tomol files as requirements), and requires Python 3.6+. One routine mpl_style_axes only makes sense for matplotlib plots, but if you don't use it, you don't need matplotlib to be installed.

Install trm.utils with:

pip install trm.utils

to get via PyPI, or:

pip install .

if you have cloned from github. If you don't have root access, append --user to the above commands to get a local install.

  • Free software: BSD license