
A clustering tool for timeseries data with temporal distortions.

timeseries, barycenter, clustering, data, science, analysis, kmeans, time, series
pip install tsclustering==1.2.2




A clustering tool for timeseries data with temporal distortions.

Install From pip

$ pip install tsclustering

Handling Data with Temporal Distortions

KMeans implementation using DTW and interpolated averaging. This package is able to efficiently handle arrays of varied length.

Efficient Dynamic Time Warping Implementation with Early Abandon

Early abandon condition avoids unnecessary computation when searching for best centroid fit.

Task-level Hardware Parallelism

Uses Python's multiprocessing module

Interpolated Averaging

To avoid the complexity of other barycenter averaging techniques, we use interpolated averaging to efficiently compute the barycenters of varied-length arrays. The process is as follows:

  1. The mean length of the group, $\mu$, is found.
  2. Each timeseries is interpolated to create a vector, $\vec{ts_{l}}$ where L is the number of timeseries being averaged and $\vec{ts_{l}} \in{\mathbb{R}^{\mu}}$.
  3. The average vector is found as the barycenter $barycenter = \frac{1}{L} \sum_{l=1}^{L}\vec{ts_{l}}$



- Numpy
- SciPy
- Numba


from tsclustering import KMeans
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import pickle

# Loading Example Data 
with open('./data/sample_data/X.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    X = pickle.load(f)

with open('./data/sample_data/y.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    y = pickle.load(f)
y = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y)

# Plotting data
for x in X:
    plt.plot(x, color = 'black');


# Instantiation
kmeans = KMeans(k_clusters=3,
                n_init = 5, 
                window = 0.9,
                centroids = []


k_clusters: int
    User-defined number of clusters to search for.

max_iter: int
     The max number of iterations to allow local search if convergent solution is not found.

n_init: int
    Number of local searches to perform. Returns the solution with the minimum inertia

window: float[0,1]
    Constrains the warping window of DTW. Window is $w\cdot m$ where $m$ is the length of the longer of two timeseries.

centroids: list[np.array[np.float64]]
    predefined centroids to begin search from

# Fitting to data
           cores = 1


X: np.array[np.array]
    Array of time-series

cores: int
    Number of cores to use in parallel search. Defaults to 1 core.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Access the labels using the kmeans.clusters attribute
colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
for k in range(kmeans.k_clusters):
    cluster = np.array(X, dtype = object)[np.where(np.array(kmeans.clusters) == k)[0]]
    for arr in cluster:
        plt.plot(arr, color = colors[k])


# Computing Inertia


from sklearn.metrics import rand_score, adjusted_rand_score
print('Rand Index:', f'{rand_score(kmeans.clusters, y):.2f}')
print('Rand Index:', f'{adjusted_rand_score(kmeans.clusters, y):.2f}')

Rand Index: 1.00
Adjusted RI: 1.00

# Soft clustering returns the distance from each instance to each centroid

array([[3.66707504, 3.43053223, 3.5902464 ],
            [3.26707093, 3.60751793, 3.32326565],
            [3.49872418, 3.53796656, 3.60681567],
            [3.4164345 , 3.3215374 , 3.31998848],
            [3.33290798, 3.69574074, 3.53531107],
            [3.5292556 , 3.27362416, 3.69472868],
            [3.72468091, 3.65222014, 3.70735547],
            [3.73722331, 3.62481453, 3.62434249],
            [3.54864015, 3.66082986, 3.31089306],
            [3.75099114, 4.32067397, 3.81107028]])

# Match an incoming time series array to nearest centroid
print('Clustered Labels:', [kmeans.clusters[0], kmeans.clusters[80]])
print('Predicted Labels:', kmeans.predict([X[0], X[80]]))

Clustered Labels: [2, 0]
Predicted Labels: [2, 0]

Future Development

1. Multivariate time series clustering