
See https://github.com/adbenitez/tsm

downloader xml sqlite traffic, hongkong, traffic-analysis, traffic-speeds
pip install tsm-downloader==0.0.0a0


Traffic Speed Map

A project to test my programming skills. TrafficSM is a web site for visualizing XML traffic data in useful ways, using maps and graphs to facilitate the analisis and knowledge extraction of the raw data.


This project is for educational purposes only.

How it works

The project have two main components:

  • A downloader script that grabs the XML data and saves it to an sqlite3 database. This script is executed in a regular basis with the help of a cron service or similar.
  • A Flask server that uses the database created by the downloader script to visualize the data in a web site.

Downloader script

You need Python 3 and pip installed on your machine before installing the downloader scripts. To install the script execute the following command:

$ python3 -m pip install trafficsm_downloader

After installation, the command trafficsm_downloader will be available. The script accepts arguments like the data URL, path to the database file, path to the log file, etc., to see the full list of arguments and how to use them issue the command:

$ trafficsm_downloader --help

Updating the database

When the script is executed it grabs the XML data from the given URL and exports it to the given sqlite3 database file, to update the database at regular intervals, execute the script using a service like cron, for example, to execute the script every two minutes, using the default data URL, creating/updating the database /var/tmp/traffic.db and saving logs to /var/log/trafficsm_downloader.log, you could add the following line to your crontab file:

1-59/2 * * * * trafficsm_downloader --db /var/tmp/traffic.db --log /var/log/tsm_downloader.log >/dev/null 2>&1

Database specifications

The downloaded XML data is converted to entries in the link and capture tables on the database. Nominal values are converted to integer to save disk space. Storing the data in this database can reduce the size of the data to less than 1/4 of the original XML data's size. The database contains the following tables:

Table: code

This table contains the code associated to the nominal values in the database and the original value they have in the XML data. The primary key is the id column. The following table shows the description of every column in the table:

Column Name Description Type Example
id A code number INTEGER 0
value The original value represented TEXT HK


Client applications must use this conversion table to recover the original value of the data when reading the database.

Table: link

This table contains the properties of the road links. The primary key of the table is the tuple created by the start and end columns. The following table shows the description of every column in the table:

Column Name Description Type Example
start The starting point of the link INTEGER 3006
end The ending point of the link INTEGER 30069
region Region of the traffic speed data INTEGER 1
rt Type of the road INTEGER 4

Table: capture

This table contains captures, realized at a date defined in the date column, of data related to the traffic speed on road links, defined in table link. The primary key is the union of the link_start, link_end and date columns. The following table shows the description of every column in the table:

Column Name Description Type Example
link_start Reference to link.start (foreign key) INTEGER 3006
link_end Reference to link.end (foreign key) INTEGER 30069
rsl Road Saturation Level INTEGER 6
ts Traffic speed REAL 44
date Time of the capture (secs since 1970-01-01) INTEGER 1537204220

Log file

When the log file is about the size specified with the option --log-maxbytes (10MB by default), it is moved to a compressed backup file (with the log name as preffix, plus the number of backup and the extension ".gz") and a new log file is created.

Flask server



This project is free software, licensed under the GPL3+ License - see the LICENSE file for more details.