
TamTam Bot API library

api, api-bot, bot, bot-api, python, telegram, telegram-bot, telegram-bot-api, tgbotapi
pip install ttbotapi==0.3.0



The Ultimate Telegram Bot API Client Framework

GPLv2 license PyPI Python package Upload Python Package

Based On pyTelegramBotAPI

How to Use


There are two ways to install the framework:

  • Installation using pip (a Python package manager)*:
$ pip install tgbotapi
  • Installation from source (requires git):
$ git clone
$ cd tgbotapi
$ python install

It is generally recommended to use the first option.

While the API is production-ready, it is still under development and it has regular updates, do not forget to update it regularly by calling pip install tgbotapi --upgrade

Writing your first bot


It is presumed that you have obtained an API token with @BotFather. We will call this token TOKEN. Furthermore, you have basic knowledge of the Python programming language and more importantly the Telegram Bot API.

A simple echo bot

The Bot class (defined in encapsulates all API calls in a single class. It provides functions such as send_xyz (send_message, send_document etc.) and several ways to listen for incoming messages.

Create a file called Then, open the file and create an instance of the TBot class.

import tgbotapi

bot = tgbotapi.Bot(based_url=""+ "BOT_TOKEN")

Note: Make sure to actually replace TOKEN with your own API token.

After that declaration, we need to register some so-called message handlers. Message handlers define filters which a message must pass. If a message passes the filter, the decorated function is called and the incoming message is passed as an argument.

Let's define a message handler which handles incoming /start and /help bot_command.

@bot.update_handler(update_type='message', bot_command=['start', 'help'])
def send_welcome(msg):
	bot.send_message(, text="Howdy, how are you doing?", parse_mode=None, entities=None,
                     disable_web_page_preview=False, disable_notification=False, reply_to_message_id=msg.message_id,
                     allow_sending_without_reply=True, reply_markup=None)

A function which is decorated by a message handler can have an arbitrary name, however, it must have only one parameter (the message).

Let's add another handler:

@bot.update_handler(update_type='message', func=lambda message: message.text)
def echo_all(msg):
    bot.send_message(, text=msg.text, parse_mode=None, entities=None,
                     disable_web_page_preview=False, disable_notification=False, reply_to_message_id=None,
                     allow_sending_without_reply=True, reply_markup=None)

This one echoes all incoming text messages back to the sender. It uses a lambda function to test a message. If the lambda returns True, the message is handled by the decorated function. Since we want all messages to be handled by this function, we simply always return True.

Note: all handlers are tested in the order in which they were declared

We now have a basic bot which replies a static message to "/start" and "/help" commands and which echoes the rest of the sent messages. To start the bot, add the following to our source file:


Alright, that's it! Our source file now looks like this:

import tgbotapi

bot = tgbotapi.Bot(based_url=""+ "BOT_TOKEN")

@bot.update_handler(update_type='message', bot_command=['start', 'help'])
def send_welcome(msg):
    bot.send_message(, text="Howdy, how are you doing?", parse_mode=None, entities=None,
                     disable_web_page_preview=False, disable_notification=False, reply_to_message_id=msg.message_id,
                     allow_sending_without_reply=True, reply_markup=None)

@bot.update_handler(update_type='message', func=lambda message: message.text)
def echo_all(msg):
    bot.send_message(, text=msg.text, parse_mode=None, entities=None,
                     disable_web_page_preview=False, disable_notification=False, reply_to_message_id=None,
                     allow_sending_without_reply=True, reply_markup=None)


To start the bot, simply open up a terminal and enter python to run the bot! Test it by sending commands ('/start' and '/help') and arbitrary text messages.


version 5.3

Personalized Commands

  • Bots can now show lists of commands tailored to specific situations - including localized commands for users with different languages, as well as different commands based on chat type or for specific chats, and special lists of commands for chat admins.
  • Added the class BotCommandScope, describing the scope to which bot commands apply.
  • Added the parameters scope and language_code to the method setMyCommands to allow bots specify different commands for different chats and users.
  • Added the parameters scope and language_code to the method getMyCommands.
  • Added the method deleteMyCommands to allow deletion of the bot's commands for the given scope and user language.
  • Improved visibility of bot commands in Telegram apps with the new 'Menu' button in chats with bots, read more on the blog.

Custom Placeholders

  • Added the ability to specify a custom input field placeholder in the classes ReplyKeyboardMarkup and ForceReply.

And More

  • Improved documentation of the class ChatMember by splitting it into 6 subclasses.
  • Renamed the method kickChatMember to banChatMember.
  • Renamed the method getChatMembersCount to getChatMemberCount.
  • Values of the field file_unique_id in objects of the type PhotoSize and of the fields small_file_unique_id and big_file_unique_id in objects of the type ChatPhoto were changed.


  • No Issues until Now


For more explanation goto Wiki Tab.

How to Contribute

  • You must follow Contributing Guidelines.
  • We are committed to providing a friendly community, for more experience read Code Of Conduct.

How to Communicate

You're welcome to drop in and ask questions, discuss bugs and such, Check Communication Methods.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I distinguish a User and a GroupChat in

Telegram Bot API supports new type Chat for Check the ttype attribute in Chat object:

if == "private":
	# private chat message

if == "group":
	# group chat message

if == "supergroup":
	# supergroup chat message


These Documents are adapted for MA24th Open Source Software, For more information contact me with any additional questions or comments.


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