
A simple tic tac toe game implementation

pip install ttt-game==0.1.0



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A simple tic tac toe game implementation



Testing builds:

python -m pip install -i ttt-game

Production builds:

python -m pip install ttt-game

ttt-game module exports main game class Game and Pl and Tr enums to simplify typing.

from ttt_game import Game, Tr, Pl

Game class

class Game:
  Board indexes preview:

  [[0, 1, 2],

   [3, 4, 5],

   [6, 7, 8]]

  Board array itself:

  [Tr.E, Tr.E, Tr.E, Tr.E, Tr.E, Tr.E, Tr.E, Tr.E, Tr.E]
  _board: List[Tr]

  def get_board(self) -> List[Tr]:
    Returns copy of game board. Use it to display board in UI.

  def check_move(self, pos: int) -> bool:
    Checks if board cell empty

  def check_filled(self) -> bool:
    Checks if game board is filled

  def check_win(self, pos: int) -> bool:
    Checks if this move will make player a winner.

  def insert(self, pos: int, who: Tr) -> None:
    Sets game board's cell to specified value. Better use `move` method when possible

  def move(self, pos: int, who: Pl) -> bool:
    Sets game board cell to specified value when possible. It also returns true if player has won.

  def get_free(self) -> Tuple[int]:
    Returns indexes of free game board cells

To use it you should initialize it like below:

game = Game()

To make move, below code is listed. result variable will contain True if Pl.X player won the game.

result = game.move(1, Tr.X)
if result:
  print("Congrats, X player won!")

You also can get game board array with get_board method. To visualize it you can customize code listed below.

board = game.get_board()

for i in range(9):
  print(board[i], end=" ")
  if i % 3 == 2:
    print("\n", end="")

output: Tr.E Tr.X Tr.E
        Tr.E Tr.E Tr.E
        Tr.E Tr.E Tr.E

Pl and Tr Enums

Pl has two members: X and O meaning X and O players.

class Pl(Enum):
  X = 1
  O = 2

Tr enum has all members of Pl plus E entry meaning empty cell.

class Tr(Enum):
  E = 0
  X = Pl.X
  O = Pl.O