
Creates an RSS feed from a youtoube playlist

youtube, iTunes, RSS, podcast
pip install tube4droid==1.0.2


Missing TV Shows for Kodi

The missingTvShows compares the locally available tv show episodes managed by Kodi with the official ones avaialbe on the tvdb and prints a summary containing 4 sections: * TV Show Seasons which where all published episodes are locally available and * none has been watched * some have already been watched * TV Show Seasons which where some published episodes are not available locally and * none has been watched * some have already been watched

Homepage :

Code :

Dependencies : tvdb-v4-official : colorama : SQLAlchemy : SQLAlchemy-Utils : mysqlclient : progressbar2 and : pyparsing

Compatible with : Python 3.9+

License : APACHE


Simply launch [missingTvShows]{.title-ref} to get help and instructions on how to use the tool

└─\> master 🕙 12:29:38 ❯ missingTvShows -h usage: missingtvshows
\[-h\] \[-v\] {sync} \...

Checks missing TV Show Episodes based on the list of available
Episodes on

positional arguments: {sync} commands sync sync Kodi and TVDB

options: -h, \--help show this help message and exit -v, \--version
show program\'s version number and exit

missingtvshows {command} -h for help on individual commands

The missingTvShows relies on two config files sitting in ~/.MissingTVShows:

  • tvshows.conf : main configuration file of missingTvShows.
  • logging.conf: logging configuration

These two files are created on the first run and at least the tvshows.conf need to be adapted accordingly:

api_key: <thetvdb_api_key>
tvdbdb:  ./tvdbdb.db # location of the sqlite3 cache of tvdb information relative to this file
[Database] # coordinates of the Kodi DB, supports mysql and sqlite3
#dialect: sqlite
#db: /Volumes/Data/ruppena/Documents/Programming/Python/missing_tv_shows_for_xbmc/test.db
dialect: mysql # one of mysql, sqlite
db: MyVideos121 # in case of mysql the name of the DB in case of sqlite3 the full filepath
user: <mysql_user>
passwd: <mysql_passwor>
hostname: <mysql_host>

and it produces the following two files (also in ~/.MissingTVShows):

  • tvdbdb.db : cached thetvdb information
  • tvshows.log : log of the last run



  • 2.0: Progress bar

Test Coverage Report

Output from coverage test:

Name                               Stmts   Miss  Cover
src/mtvs/Kodi/              6      2    67%
src/mtvs/Kodi/     224    180    20%
src/mtvs/                   2      0   100%
src/mtvs/main/              5      5     0%
src/mtvs/main/                 81     81     0%
src/mtvs/main/             78     78     0%
src/mtvs/utils/             0      0   100%
src/mtvs/utils/           52     52     0%
TOTAL                                448    398    11%