
Unformatter Tool to allow parsing and analysis of code base.

code, fortran, python
pip install tucan==0.2.0


tücan: text analysis app

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tücan is a web application and backend for a bunch of overlapping fields/tasks:

  • text analysis
  • corpus linguistics
  • treebank research
  • distant reading
  • digital humanities

It performs:

  • Parsing
  • Searching
  • Result editing
  • Data vis
  • Concordancing
  • Keywording
  • Parse tree/dependency viewing

It is designed with parsed, metadata-rich corpora in mind, doing more sophisticated linguistic work than current tools, with a modern web interface, and a solid API.

The frontend is based on TüNDRA-beta. The backend is a radically altered fork of the now deprecated corpkit.


Before installing tücan into a Python 3 environment, you should try to install HDF5, a library for high performance data storage. It isn't strictly necessary, but some things will be much faster.

After that, installing tücan is pretty simple.

# virtual environment use is encouraged
pip install tucan

Or, via Git:

git clone https://github.com/interrogator/tucan
cd tucan
python setup.py install


After installation, the following command will download and index a sample corpus of English, and load it in tücan:


Make corpora

Now that you have tücan set up, you'll need some data. Data is simply a folder containing text files. Currently, English, German, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and French are supported. Your text files can be in subfolders, representing subcorpora.

Your data can either be plain text, or plain text plus metadata. All metadata will be ignored during parsing, but added to the data later, so that you can search it, filter it, and so on.

Metadata can be specified through XML tags at the end of lines:

I hope everyone is hanging in with this blasted heat. As we all know being hot, sticky,
stressed and irritated can bring on a mood swing super fast. So please make sure your
all takeing your meds and try to stay out of the heat. <metadata speaker="Emz45" 
totalposts="5063" currentposts="4051" date="2011-07-13" postnum="0" threadlength="1">

If you only have speaker IDs, your data can also be formatted like a script:

Emz45: I hope everyone is hanging in with this blasted heat ...
FaanG: Barely, but i am!

Your data can have both speaker IDs and XML metadata, but if that's the case, perhaps just create a metadata attribute called speaker.

Once you have plain or metadata-added corpora, there are two ways to get the data parsed. First, if you're not much of a programmer, you can open the app by typing tucan into your terminal, and by clicking Upload in the app. Right now this will not give you any progress information, and needs more testing.

You can also parse and add corpora to tücan with a couple of simple commands.

tucan-parse path/to/corpus

The command takes a number of arguments:

Argument Type Purpose
--speaker-segmentation Flag Corpus has speaker names
--metadata Flag Corpus has XML metadata
--coref Flag Also do coreference resolution and some morphological features
--restart Flag Do not overwrite existing files
--multiprocess=n integer Parse files in parallel
--memory-mb=n integer Memory for parser in megabytes

This creates a parsed version of the corpus, path/to/corpus-parsed, containing CONLL-U format files, which look like this:

# sent_id 1
# parse=(ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP hope) (SBAR (S (NP (NN everyone)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG hanging) (PP (IN in) (IN with) (NP (DT this) (VBN blasted) (NN heat)))))))) (. .)))
# speaker=Emz45
# threadlength=1
# currentposts=4051
# date=2011-07-13
# year=2011
# postnum=0
1   I         I         PRP O   2   nsubj      0       1
2   hope      hope      VBP O   0   ROOT       1,5,11  _
3   everyone  everyone  NN  O   5   nsubj      0       _
4   is        be        VBZ O   5   aux        0       _
5   hanging   hang      VBG O   2   ccomp      3,4,10  _
6   in        in        IN  O   10  case       0       _
7   with      with      IN  O   10  case       0       _
8   this      this      DT  O   10  det        0       2
9   blasted   blast     VBN O   10  amod       0       2
10  heat      heat      NN  O   5   nmod:with  6,7,8,9 2*
11  .         .         .   O   2   punct      0       _

Next, move it into a dedicated storage folder, ~/corpora:

mkdir ~/corpora
mv path/to/corpus-parsed ~/corpora

You can do this for as many corpora as you like. When you've added all the corpora you need to ~/corpora, run the command below to create high-performance versions of them:


Run tücan

Once you've created a high-performance database (in ~/corpora/corpora.h5), you can simply enter tucan into the terminal to launch the app.

Using the app

So far undocumented, sorry.


The backend is the most mature part of the tool. Here's an example:

>>> from corpkit import Corpus
# load raw corpus
>>> data = Corpus('path/to/corpus')
# parse corpus
>>> parsed = data.parse(speaker_segmentation=True)
# search dependencies
>>> doers = parsed.deps(r'f/nsubj/ <- p/^VB.*/')
# make table from results
>>> doers.table(subcorpora='year', show=['w', 'l'], relative=True)
# generate concordance
>>> doers.conc(show=['w', 'p'])

There is also a matplotlib interface:

>>> doers.visualise("Doers by year", kind='area', num_to_plot=5)

Documentation coming soon.

More information

There's still a lot to do!

Emerging docs


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