
Library for typechecking/validation/unification of function arguments.

typecheck, decorator
pip install tvu==0.2.2


Type Value Unifier


tvu library allows you to abstract code, that is usually present at the beginning of most functions/methods, and handles parameter checking, validation and unification. The goal is to share most of this code to be usable with many functions and provide helpful exceptions to users of your code. tvu does not force you to use all of available type-checking, unification and validation features, if you don't need them.

import tvu



The following code:

def foo(x, y):
    m = re.match(y, 'bar')

foo(None, 2)

Results in an exception that is thrown from re.match(), but the user-error was made when calling foo() with int instead of string. It would be more user-friendly to get an exception, at the exact place error was made, that mentions specifically what was the problem.


Most basic feature of tvu is simple type-checking of function/method's arguments. This is the simplest tvu, that checks if function argument is an integer:

class IntTVU(tvu.TVU):
    TYPES = (int,)

To actually use it, you can use whole tvu module as a function decorator, with previously defined IntTVU as value of parameter x (it must match function argument name):

def foo(x):
    print "I'm an integer %d" % x

If foo() is called with int parameter it work as expected, but calling it with anything else results in a nice exception:

>>> foo('3')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 12, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tvu-0.1/tvu/", line 70, in inner_wrapper
  File "/tmp/tvu-0.1/tvu/", line 38, in unify_validate
  File "/tmp/tvu-0.1/tvu/", line 34, in type_check
    raise TypeError(err_msg)
TypeError: x must be int, not '3'

This case of checking if argument is instance of one specific type can be done with a instance wrapper:

def foo(x):
    print "I'm an integer %d" % x

Subclasses of TVU can provide more types in TYPES tuple, to check arguments against more available types:

class NumberTVU(tvu.TVU):
    TYPES = (int, float)

def double(x):
    return 2 * x


The goal of unification is to allow wider selection of types as a function's argument, but to unify them to a common value/type before supplying it to a function.

For example, in python2 you might need a unicode text argument, but don't want to discourage use of plain strings when they are ascii-only. The following TVU allows you to think only about unicode values but still allow ascii byte strings:

class Text(tvu.TVU):

    TYPES = (unicode, str)

    def unify(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, str):
                return value.decode('ascii')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                self.error(u'unicode text, or ascii-only bytestring')
        return value

def write(x):
    with open('/tmp/text.txt', 'wb') as f:


Better version of Text is available as tvu.tvus.Text


Validation is about validating function's arguments to restrict value space. The following TVU disallows non-positive integers:

class PositiveInt(tvu.TVU):
    TYPES = (int,)

    def validate(self, value):
        if value <= 0:
            self.error('positive number')


  • How to install it?

pip install tvu

  • But python is about duck typing?

There's nothing stopping you from using tvu in duck typing way by checking existence of certain methods in TVU.validate() method.

  • Does it work with python3?

tvu has been tested with python-2.7 and python-3.6