
A basic command line application used in tandem with Twitter API to frame anything from Twitter into a Pandas DataFrame, or exported as a CSV.

cli, command-line, command-line-app, command-line-interface, command-line-tool, command-line-tools, tweepy, twitter
pip install twitterframe==1.0.0



🥚🔜🐦 twiterframe. A basic command line application used in tandem with Twitter API to frame content from Twitter into your preferred format.

In the future, I want to add more flexibility with the preferred output. (i.e. JSON, SQL databases, etc.)

Project Currently: ON HOLD

Tweepy does not currently have the values from Twitter's API that I would like to use for the purpose of this project.

For example, if you click on the link for tweepy, it should bring you to Line 73 of the tweepy/ script, where the class Status(Model): and @classmethod is located. The Status object (which is just a Tweet object) from Twitter's API should give you a set of attributes like the following from the Twitter Developer documentation.

Unforunately, if we refer back to tweepy, inside of the parse function, we can see that the key,value pairings do not provide as many Tweet object attributes as one may like to have. (That one being me.) And so what I am going to be working on in the mean time is a pull request to @tweepy, and add the attributes I want to see from Twitter's API.

Hopefully all goes well and i'll be able to use tweepy once again, and finish up this command-line-application, but in the mean time, please use my pre-alpha version from the Installation.

Installation and Usage:

  • Coming soon.

Progress so far...

Users are able to create .json files to store their API keys.

Added click functionality.

Functional Command Line Application by invoking twitterframe

Added a command that removes your Twitter API credentials file from your home directory.

scrape command is now functioning as it should be.

Opened up project on so it can be 'pip-install-able' here

🔜 Make some basic documentation on installation/usage.

🔜 crawl command will require a mandatory argument for how many tweets to get per request, and the rate limit for the TwitterAPI is reached, an exception is passed.

🔜 Add functionality for a StreamListener class that will listen for live tweets and bin based on sentiment.

🔜 Decorate the command line application with more colors

Ideas on new features and commands

💡 Command that dumps tweets into a SQL database.

💡 Add more emojis.

💡 Add click.progress_bar(s) on commands like scrape and crawl to show progress.

💡 Remove some of the comments because the code looks kinda ugly.

💡 A way to parse images in tweets/replies/retweets. Dump into a JSON or CSV.

💡 Add options/configurations to determine the output for exporting tweets from scrape, crawl, etc.

💡 Create options for the output for each given command. (i.e. scrape would have the option to dump the tweets from user: @twitteruser, to either a CSV, an SQL database, etc.) (etc. is used quite liberally in my explanations of things in this README.)

Known issues

❗️ crawl command is not pulling tweets by the specified times.

❗️ crawl gets a Twitter error response: status code = 429 due to the application's rate limit on the amount of requests to be served.

❗️ listener does not do anything. Yeah I know, big issue here.

❗️ Some exceptions are not working apprropriately.

❗️ Honestly there are so many known issues at this point LOL

❗️ tweepy does not have enough attributes in the class methods to my liking.

❗️ Going to learn some more object oriented programming and classmethod related stuff, so that I can either A) build a new tweepy or B) add more funcitonality to the next version of tweepy.

❗️ Streaming does not work.

❗️ RateLimitError is not being raised even if intentional.

Contributors with 💚

🏆 @colejhudson

