txairbrake: Airbrake error reporting for Twisted
Airbrake provides a service that aggregates errors from applications. This project is specifically designed for asynchronous Python Twisted code to send exceptions to an airbrake server. Unlike traditional synchronous Python code, there can be no blocking in the error reporting in a Twisted project. This library connects to the remote server in a non-blocking fashion.
easy_install txairbrake
# import the observer
from txairbrake.observers import AirbrakeLogObserver
# Create observer. Params are api key, environment, and use SSL. The last two are optional.
ab = AirbrakeLogObserver("mykey", "production", True)
# start observing errors
Controlling how HTTP Requests are made.
txairbrake uses twisted.web.client.Agent for making HTTP requests. This gives you the user a great deal of control over how the HTTP requests are made, including if persistent connections should be used, and if requests should be made through a an HTTP proxy.
Persistent Connections
# import observer, reactor, and client classes.
from txairbrake.observers import AirbrakeLogObserver
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web.client import Agent, HTTPConnectionPool
# Create a persistent connection pool and a new Agent instance.
pool = HTTPConnectionPool(reactor, persistent=True)
agent = Agent(reactor, pool)
# Set up an observer to use the preconfigured Agent.
ab = AirbrakeLogObserver("mykey", "production", True, agent=agent)
# start observing errors.
HTTP Proxy
# import observer, reactor, and client classes.
from txairbrake.observers import AirbrakeLogObserver
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
from twisted.web.client import ProxyAgent
# Create a client endpoint pointed at a proxy on localhost.
proxy_endpoint = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "localhost", 8000)
# Create a proxy agent that will use the client endpoint.
agent = ProxyAgent(proxy_endpoint)
# Set up an observer to use the preconfigured ProxyAgent.
ab = AirbrakeLogObserver("mykey", "production", True, agent=agent)
# start observing errors.
Airbrake costs money. If you don't want to spend money, consider using Errbit, which is free and can run for free on Heroku. If you do end up using an alternative server, the observer constructor takes a final parameter that is the hostname of your airbrake-compliant server.