=============================== txgeocodio
An extremely bland Twisted client for http://geocod.io. It's really bland because their api is SO EASY TO USE.
import txgeocodio
# Geocode some address and get a list of results
d = txgecodio.geocode('123 Main ST, 91702')
# d is a deferred with a list of results
# Parse an address into parts (no geo lookup is made)
d = txgecodio.parse('42370 Bob Hope Dr, Rancho Mirage, CA')
# d is a deferred with the results in a dict that look something like:
{"number": "42370",
"street": "Bob Hope",
"suffix": "Dr",
"city": "Rancho Mirage",
"state": "CA"
"formatted_address": "42370 Bob Hope Dr, Rancho Mirage, CA"