
Generic Base framework for Web App backend using Twisted

pip install txwebbackendbase==0.2.1



https://travis-ci.org/Stibbons/txwebbackendbase.svg?branch=master Pypi package MIT licensed

Generic Base framework for Web App backend using Twisted


Set of utility function not part of Twisted official library I often need, for example:

  • txwebbackendbase.logging.setupLogger: setup colorful logger (if colorlog installed)
  • txwebbackendbase.request.[jsonify|dejsonify]: send or receive json with request/treq
  • txwebbackendbase.singleton.singleton: declare a class as singleton to instance it once in the whole application
  • txwebbackendbase.threading.deferredAsThread: function decorator to run a blocking function in a thread

Note: See pipenv documentation for Pipfile specification.


Create your environment with

$ make dev

Activate the environment:

$ make shell

Execute a command directly inside the environment:

$ make run

Execute unit tests:

$ make test-unit

Build source package:

Use it for most package without low level system dependencies.

make pypi

Build binary package:

Needed for package with a C or other low level source code.

make bdist

Build Wheel package:

Always provide a wheel package.

make wheel

(Only for package owner)

Create a release:

Go on GitHub and create a tag with a semver syntax. Optionally you can tag code locally and push to GitHub.

git tag 1.2.3
make push

On successful travis build on the Tag branch, your Pypi package will be updated automatically.