Column-wise type annotations for pyspark DataFrames

pyspark, spark, typing, type, checking, annotations
pip install typedspark==1.0.7


Typedspark: column-wise type annotations for pyspark DataFrames

We love Spark! But in production code we're wary when we see:

from pyspark.sql import DataFrame

def foo(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
    # do stuff
    return df

Because… How do we know which columns are supposed to be in df?

Using typedspark, we can be more explicit about what these data should look like.

from typedspark import Column, DataSet, Schema
from pyspark.sql.types import LongType, StringType

class Person(Schema):
    id: Column[LongType]
    name: Column[StringType]
    age: Column[LongType]

def foo(df: DataSet[Person]) -> DataSet[Person]:
    # do stuff
    return df

The advantages include:

  • Improved readability of the code
  • Typechecking, both during runtime and linting
  • Auto-complete of column names
  • Easy refactoring of column names
  • Easier unit testing through the generation of empty DataSets based on their schemas
  • Improved documentation of tables


Please see our documentation on readthedocs.


You can install typedspark from pypi by running:

pip install typedspark

By default, typedspark does not list pyspark as a dependency, since many platforms (e.g. Databricks) come with pyspark preinstalled. If you want to install typedspark with pyspark, you can run:

pip install "typedspark[pyspark]"

Demo videos

IDE demo

You can find the corresponding code here.

Jupyter / Databricks notebooks demo

You can find the corresponding code here.


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I have a great idea to improve typedspark! How can we make this work?
Awesome, please make an issue and let us know!