A minimal and reliable JSON MQ library!

pip install uMQ==1.0.2


MIT License TODOs

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uMQ: A minimal and reliable JSON MQ library!

uMQ is a minimal package derived from my main research project to achieve reliable and fast JSON communication.

The story:

I'm developing a full-fledged hardware+software product as my research project and I needed to instanciate IPC communication between two(or several) python processes. After looking around, found packages with extreme capabilities. 0MQ( and RabbitMQ are just a couple of examples. My specific application didn't need to use all those features and I didn't see the necessity of going through their steep lurning curves so I decided to write my own code.

As a hardware engineer, I deal with state machines all the time. I have used state machines in this code to reliably convert bytes to JSON packets.


My goal is to keep this packege easy to use. You only need to learn one class and three functions to start a JSON communication. My main focus is currently to fix bugs and improve the performance.

Please feel free to contribute, add features or request them.



To install the package you can simply do:

$ pip install uMQ

Starting the communication

On the server side, run:

    uMQIntance = uMQ_Socket()
    uMQIntance.server("localhost", 5008)
    while (True):
        while (uMQIntance.data_available()):
            data = uMQIntance.get_next_pkt()
            ## do something with the data

This will create a uMQ_Socket which is listening on localhost and port 5008.

on the client side do:

    data = {"Sample Data": "DEADBEEF"}
    uMQIntance = uMQ_Socket()
    uMQIntance.connect("localhost", 5008)
    uMQIntance.send_all (json.dumps(data))

For the complete test scripts. Refer to the "tests" directory.