
Microprint generator

microprint, generator, software_visualization, software, visualization
pip install uPrintGen==1.2.1




Creates a microprint representation of text or a text file, with rules set by a configuration file. These rules highlight rows with different background and text colors depending on the rules added.


Console command

Installing the package through pip makes the command generate_microprint available through the terminal. It accepts three parameters.

  • -i The text file to generate as a microprint. Required
  • -c The configuration file pathname. Optional, default: config.json
  • -o The name of the file to be saved. Optional, default: microprint.svg


 generate_microprint -i log.txt -o test2.svg -c config_2.json

As a package

At the same time, the package can be imported from a Python program and used in two ways:

From text_file

from uprintgen import SVGMicroprintGenerator

svg = SVGMicroprintGenerator.from_text_file(
    file_path="example.txt", config_file_path="config.json", output_filename="microprint.svg"


Which will save the microprint with the defined name and configuration file.

From text

from uprintgen import SVGMicroprintGenerator

example= "blablablabla..."

svg = SVGMicroprintGenerator(text=example, config_file_path="config.json", 


Configuration file

The generator accepts a JSON configuration file with a set of settings that it can change, those settings and their default values are as follows

Visual configurations

Rule Description Default
scale Changes the scale of the font in the generated microprint. 1
vertical_spacing Changes the vertical spacing between each row. 1
microprint_width Changes the width of the microprint (or each column if there's more than one). 120
max_microprint_height Changes the max height of the microprint. If "number_of_columns" is set, this parameter is not used. The microprint will be divided in columns to fulfill the desired height. Total log height. No limit
number_of_columns Changes the number of columns to render. If this parameter is set, "max_microprint_height" is not used. The height of the microprint will be set automatically to fulfill the desired number of columns. 1
column_gap_size Changes the size of the gap between columns. 0.2
column_gap_color Changes the color of the gap between columns. white
default_colors These define the default colors that are used in case no color was defined for a certain rule. If this section is not present, both colors will be the default ones.
  • Background color: white
  • Text color: black
font-family This sets the font-family of the svg. If the first font is not available or cannot be loaded in the system, the next one is going to be used. monospace

Additional fonts (inside additional_fonts)

This section contains fonts to be embedded to the svg.

If the fonts work natively in the place where you want to see the svg, there's no need todo this. Monospace fonts recommended.

It has two subsections. google_fonts and truetype_fonts.

Google fonts (inside google_fonts)

This sub-section contains fonts to be loaded from google fonts.

Rule Description Default
name The name to assign the embedded font. This name is the one that needs to be used when setting the font-family of the microprint. Required
google_font_url The url from where to load the google font. Required
TrueType fonts (inside truetype_fonts)

This sub-section contains fonts to be loaded from the repo, as a TrueType font file.

Rule Description Default
name The name to assign the embedded font. This name is the one that needs to be used when setting the font-family of the microprint. Required
truetype_file The path to the truetype font file. Includes the name of the file with the extension. Required

Line rules (inside line_rules)

This section contains all the rules for the colors of the microprint

Rule Description Default
includes If the row matches any of the rules inside this array, it uses this rule's colors. As long as no excludes match. Can be strings or regex. []
excludes If the row matches any of the rules inside this array, the rule will not be used. []
text_color Text color the rule will use in case the rule is matched. The default text color defined in the configuration file
background_color Background color the rule will use in case the rule is matched. The default background color defined in the configuration file


  "scale": 2,
  "vertical_spacing": 1.4,
  "microprint_width": 140,
  "max_microprint_height": 300,
  "number_of_columns": 4,
  "column_gap_size": 0.3,
  "column_gap_color": "red",
  "default_colors": {
    "background_color": "rgb(30, 30, 30)",
    "text_color": "white"
  "line_rules":  [
      "includes": [
      "excludes": [
      "text_color": "red",
      "background_color": "#910404"
      "includes": [
      "text_color": "white",
      "background_color": "green"
      "includes": [
      "text_color": "black",
      "background_color": "yellow"
  "additional_fonts": {
    "google_fonts": [
        "name": "Anton",
        "google_font_url": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Anton"
        "name": "Acme",
        "google_font_url": "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Acme"
    "truetype_fonts": [
        "name": "NotoSans",
        "truetype_file": "./fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf"
  "font-family": "Acme, Anton, NotoSans, Sans, Cursive"