
Python library to interact with the Univention UDM REST API. Implements the simple Python UDM API.

Univention, UCS, UDM, REST, aiohttp, aiohttp-client, openapi-client, python, python3, rest-client, univention-corporate-server
pip install udm-rest-client==1.2.3


Python UDM REST Client

Python 3.6+ GNU AGPL V3 license Code style: black Code coverage Documentation Status travisci gh Code Linting gh Integration tests

Python library to interact with the Univention UDM REST API, implements the interface of the Python UDM API.


  • Asynchronous
  • Automatic handling of HTTP(S) sessions
  • Type annotations
  • 100% test coverage (unittests + integration tests)
  • Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11


The UDM context manager opens and closes a HTTP session:

>>> import asyncio
>>> from udm_rest_client.udm import UDM
>>> async def get_obj(mod_name, dn):
...     async with UDM(
...         "USERNAME",
...         "PASSWORD",
...         "https://FQDN.OF.UCS/univention/udm",
...         ssl_ca_cert="ucs-root-ca.crt"
...     ) as udm:
...         mod = udm.get(mod_name)
...         return await mod.get(dn)
>>> # Python 3.6:
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> obj = loop.run_until_complete(get_obj("users/user", "uid=foo,cn=users,BASE-DN"))
>>> # Python 3.7+:
>>> obj = asyncio.run(get_obj("users/user", "uid=foo,cn=users,BASE-DN"))
>>> print(obj)
UdmObject('users/user', 'uid=foo,cn=users,BASE-DN')
>>> print(obj.props.username)

There are more examples in the docs usage section.

If the SSL CA certificate is not available verify_ssl=False can be used in place of ssl_ca_cert=.... Obviously that is not safe! The CA of any UCS server can always be downloaded from http://FQDN.OF.UCS/ucs-root-ca.crt.


  1. Install Python UDM REST Client via pip from PyPI:

    $ pip install udm-rest-client
  2. Install the OpenAPI client library used by the udm-rest-client. It is created by software from the OpenAPI Generator project. You need to either have a local Java installation (Java 8+) or run the projects Docker container. The process is scripted:

    $ update_openapi_client --generator docker ucs.master.fqdn.or.ip  # use Docker
    $ update_openapi_client --generator java ucs.master.fqdn.or.ip  # use Java

Use --insecure to ignore SSL verification errors. See --help for more options.

Use --username and --password to provide credentials if access to your openapi.json is protected. This is the default in newer versions of UCS and thus credentials are needed.

Important: Whenever a new UDM module is installed in the domain, it is necessary to rerun update_openapi_client. The new UDM module will otherwise not be available in the Python UDM REST Client. Very few apps (like UCS@school and Open-Xchange) install new UDM modules. New extended attributes do not require to rebuild the OpenAPI client library.


There are some isolated unittests, but most tests run against a real UDM REST API. Either an existing UCS installation can be used, or a LXD container started.

Run tests with the current Python interpreter:

$ make test

Using tox the tests can be executed with all supported Python versions:

$ make test-all

Using the UCS LXD container is automated in the Makefile. It has commands to download and start the LXD image (1 GB) and running the tests:

$ make create-lxd-test-server-config
$ make test

Initializing LXD is however left up to the developer (see https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/). Using storage backend lvm, btrfs or zfs is recommended for repeated use. To run the tests only once, the storage backend dir is the easiest to use. It is very slow though, as it requires unpacking the image every time the container is started.

The Makefile also needs yq to be installed: https://github.com/mikefarah/yq

It is also possible to use an existing UCS server for the tests. Export UCS_HOST (the servers IP/FQDN), UCS_USERDN (the DN of an administrator account, usually uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=...) and UCS_PASSWORD (the accounts password), before starting the tests:

$ export UCS_HOST="my.server.local"
$ export UCS_USERDN="uid=Administrator,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=local"
$ export UCS_PASSWORD="s3cr3t"
$ make test

Much more comfortable (especially for repeated use) is creating a file test_server.yaml in the tests directory, which will automatically be used by the tests:

$ cp test_server_example.yaml test/test_server.yaml
$ $EDITOR test_server.yaml

Don't forget to update the OpenAPI client library before running the test against a new server:

$ update_openapi_client --generator <docker|java> --username Administrator --password s3cr3t $UCS_HOST

Run update_openapi_client --help to see further options.

To get the IP address of the running UCS LXD container execute:

$ . lxd.sh ; lxd_container_ip


Standard logging is used for tracking the libraries activity. To capture the log messages for this project, subscribe to a logger named udm_rest_client.

The UDM REST API on the UCS server logs into the file /var/log/univention/directory-manager-rest.log.

Repo permissions

  • GitHub: @dansan, @SamuelYaron, @brodersen4univention, @twenzel, @botner
  • GitLab: UCS developers
  • PyPI: @dansan, @SamuelYaron, @brodersen4univention, @twenzel, @botner
  • PyPI: @dansan, @SamuelYaron, @brodersen4univention, @twenzel, @botner



These instructions require a PyPI account with permissions for the udm-rest-client package.

  • Verify the daily tests.

  • Increment the version: * udm_rest_client/__init__.py * setup.py

  • Update HISTORY.rst with changelog notes.

  • Push the package to test PyPi:

    make release-test
  • Verify that the test version works before continuing with the next step.

  • Push the package to production PyPi:

    make release


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.