
A small package for UI testing in web applications.

pip install uitestframework==0.0.2


UI Test Framework

Package for Testing Browser User interfaces.


  pip install uitestframework

You must also download the driver for your selected browser and place it in your working directory Drivers can be downloaded here.


The UI Test Framework provides a base for creating browser based UI tests by using the Page Object Model and selenium webdriver. You might find it most useful for testing web application in development in which the UI is continually being changed. Typical usage often looks like this:

from unittest import TestCase

from uitestframework import UITestCaseMixin, PageObjectModel
from uitestframework.pom import BasePage, BaseElement

APPLICATION_HOST = "https://localhost:8080"

class MyPage(BasePage):
    def set_elements(self):
        # adds a BaseElement instance "Button1" to MyPage
        button1 = BaseElement(name="Button1", locator="button_id", locator_type='id', page=self)
        return [button1]

class MyPOM(PageObjectModel):
    # Maps url paths to BasePage instance
    url_map = {
        '': MyPage,

class MyTestCase(UITestCaseMixin, TestCase):
    # These are necessary attributes for this class
    driver_path = "chromedriver.exe"
    browser = 'chrome'
    pom = MyPOM()

    def test_foo(self):
        # tests that button 1 redirects you from the current page
        # Using the url map, the pom knows in which page to look for the specified element attribute
        # Several methods for interacting with UI are implemented in the BaseElement class and its Subclasses
        self.assertTrue(self.driver.current_url != APPLICATION_HOST)

To test pages which require user input. The FormPage class can be used. An example of usage is provided below::

#!/usr/bin/env python

from unittest import TestCase
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

from uitestframework import UITestCaseMixin, PageObjectModel
from uitestframework.pom import FormPage, FieldElement, BaseElement

APPLICATION_HOST = "https://localhost:8080"

class LoginPage(FormPage):

    def set_elements(self):
        username = FieldElement(name='username', locator="id_username", locator_type=By.ID, page=self)
        password = FieldElement(name='password', locator="id_password", locator_type=By.ID, page=self)
        submit = FieldElement(name='submit', locator="id_submit", locator_type=By.ID, page=self)
        error_message = BaseElement(name='error_message', locator="id_error", locator_type=By.ID, page=self)
        return [username, password, submit, error_message]

class MyApplicationPOM(PageObjectModel):
    url_map = {
        '/login': LoginPage,

class MyTestCase(UITestCaseMixin, TestCase):
    driver_path = "chromedriver.exe"
    browser = 'chrome'
    pom = MyApplicationPOM()

    def test_login(self):
        login_url = APPLICATION_HOST + '/login'
        self.pom.autofill(username='username', password='correct password')
        self.assertTrue(self.driver.current_url != login_url)

    def test_failed_login(self):
        login_url = APPLICATION_HOST + '/login'
        self.pom.autofill(username='username', password='wrong password')