
A Python client library for sending and scheduling sms messages via Fire Text Sms API

pip install umedsmsclient==1.0.0


Umed Sms Client

Umed Sms Client is a Python library that provides a simple interface for accessing the Fire Text Sms API. With Umed Sms Client, you can easily send sms to your clients.


You can install Umed Sms Client using pip:

pip install umedsmsclient


To use Umed Sms Client, you'll need to create a new instance of the FireTextApiClient class:

Using Api Key method:

from umedsmsclient.fire_text_api_client import FireTextApiClient

client = FireTextApiClient(api_key="your-firetext-apikey")

Using Username and Password method:

from umedsmsclient.fire_text_api_client import FireTextApiClient

client = FireTextApiClient(username="your-firetext-username", password="your-firetext-token")

You can then use the client to interact with the Fire Text Sms API.:

Send sms:

# Send an instant sms
client.send_sms("sender-name", "receiver-phone-number", "text-message")

# Send a scheduled sms
client.send_sms("sender-name", "receiver-phone-number", "text-message", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM")


For more information on how to use Umed Sms Client, check out the documentation.

Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to Umed Sms Client, please read the contribution guidelines.


Umed Sms Client is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

This `` file provides an introduction to the library, instructions on how to install and use it, and information on how to contribute to the project. It also includes a license section to indicate the licensing terms of the project.