A health check and RCA tool for kubernetes

pip install unctl==0.11.1rc4



Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contact

About The Project

unctl is a versatile command-line tool designed to perform a wide range of checks and inspections on various components of your infrastructure. It provides a unified interface to assess the health and performance of different services and platforms, and goes beyond mere diagnosis.

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Health Checks

This tools runs the health checks and provides a report. In order to get access to automated AI based diagnostics and remediations for these problems, go to https://unskript.com/.

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List of Checks

Provider Checks
k8s 31
mysql 1

k8s checks

Check Service Category Severity Description
Check if a k8s PVC is in Pending state. pvc Health Critical Alerts on pending PVCs, highlighting potential delays in provisioning persistent volume claims for all the namespaces
Check if the k8s node is in Ready state. node Health Critical Ensure node health by examining readiness conditions, signaling failures if any issues are detected in the node's status
Deployment has insufficient replicas. deployment Health Critical Validate Deployments for the correct number of available replicas, highlighting any discrepancies between desired and available counts
Pod has a high restart count. pod Health Critical Identify pods for all the namespaces where certain containers have restarted more than 10 times, indicating potential instability concerns
Pod is in CrashLoopBackOff state. pod Health Critical Identify pods with containers stuck in a CrashLoopBackOff state, highlighting potential issues impacting pod stability for all the namespaces
Service has endpoints that are NotReady. service Health Severe Highlights when services have NotReady endpoints, indicating potential disruptions to service reliability for all the namespaces
Service has no endpoints. service Health Severe Identify services with no associated endpoints, highlighting potential misconfigurations impacting service connectivity
Analyzing HPAs, checking if scale targets exist and have resources pod HPA High Analyze optimal Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) configurations by ensuring associated resources (Deployments, ReplicationControllers, ReplicaSets, StatefulSets) have defined resource limits for effective auto-scaling
Check for the existence of Ingress class, service and secrets for all the namespaces ingress Ingress High Ensure proper Ingress configurations by validating associated services, secrets, and ingress classes, flagging issues if there are missing elements or misconfigured settings for all the namespaces
Check the existence of secret in Daemonset daemonset Daemonset, Secret High Ensure the presence of referenced Secrets in Daemonset volumes, reporting failures for any missing Secret within all the namespaces
Check the existence of secret in Deployment secret Deployment High Ensure the presence of referenced Secrets in Deployment volumes, reporting failures for any missing Secret for all the namespaces
Excessive Pods on Node node Resource Limits High Assesses nodes for excessive pod counts, flagging potential issues if pods near capacity thresholds based on CPU and memory resources
Find Deployments with missing configmap configmap Deployment High Ensure the presence of referenced ConfigMaps in Deployment volumes, reporting failures for any missing ConfigMap for all the namespaces
Find Pending Pods pod Health High Ensure that Pods are not in a Pending state due to scheduling issues or container creation failures, and report relevant details for diagnostics
Find Pods with missing configmap pod Pod, ConfigMap High Ensure the presence of referenced ConfigMaps in Pod containers and volumes, reporting failures for any missing ConfigMap for all the namespaces
Find Pods with missing secrets pod Pod, Secret High Ensure the presence of referenced Secrets in Pod containers, reporting failures for any missing Secret for all the namespaces
Insufficient PIDs on Node node Performance High Check if the nodes have remaining PIDs less than a set threshold
Kubernetes Node Out-of-Memory Check node Performance High Checks if any Kubernetes node is using more than 85% of its memory capacity.
Validate configmap existence in Statefulset statefulset StatefulSet High Ensure the existence of referenced ConfigMaps in StatefulSet volume claims and template volumes, reporting failures for any missing ConfigMap for all the namespaces
Validate cronjob starting deadline cronjob CronJob High Ensure CronJobs have a non-negative starting deadline, reporting failures for negative values for all the namespaces
Validate existence of configmaps in daemonsets daemonset DaemonSet, ConfigMap High Ensure the presence of referenced ConfigMaps in Daemonset volumes, reporting failures for any missing ConfigMap for all the namespaces
Verify StatefulSet has valid service statefulset StatefulSet High Verify StatefulSet's service reference, ensuring it points to an existing service in all the namespaces, reporting failures for non-existent services
Verify StatefulSet has valid storageClass statefulset StatefulSet High Validate StatefulSet's storage class, ensuring it references existing storage classes in the namespace, reporting failures for non-existent ones
Zero Scale Deployment Check deployment Availability High Verify that Deployments have a non-zero replica count, preventing unintentional scaling down to zero
Check if Kubernetes services have matching pod labels service Configuration Medium This check validates if Kubernetes service selectors match pod labels. This ensures proper routing & discovery of pods.
Pod template validation in DaemonSet daemonset Resource Management Medium Checks that the Pod template within a DaemonSet is configured correctly according to certain threshold values.
Services Target Port Match service Diagnostic Medium This check identifies service ports that do not match their target ports
Validate that network policies are in place and configured correctly networkpolicy Network Security Medium Verify Network Policy configurations, highlighting issues if policies allow traffic to all pods or if not applied to any specific pods
Zero scale detected in statefulset statefulset Availability Medium Check to ensure that no StatefulSets are scaled to zero as it might hamper availability.
Find unused DaemonSet daemonset DaemonSet, Cost, Resource Optimization Low Any DaemonSet that has been created but has no associated pods and remained unused for over 30 days.
Validate cronjobs schedule and state cronjob CronJob Low Ensure CronJobs have valid schedules and are not suspended, reporting failures for any invalid schedules or suspended jobs for all the namespaces

mysql checks

Check Service Category Severity Description
Checks max used connections global Connection, Thread High Checks max used connections reaching max count

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Built With

Python GitHub Actions

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Getting Started


  • Python >= 3.10


  1. Get distibution on your machine:
    • Run pip command to install unctl from PyPI
      pip install unctl


  1. (optional) Set KUBECONFIG variable to specific location other than default:
    export KUBECONFIG=<path to kube config file>
  2. Run unctl command to see list of options:
    unctl k8s -h


  1. unctl is using ~/.my.cnf as config path.
  2. Run unctl command to see list of options:
    unctl mysql -h

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  1. Install poetry:
    pip install poetry
  2. Enter virtual env:
    poetry shell
  3. Install dependencies:
    poetry install
  4. Run tool:
    python unctl.py -h
  5. Format all files before commit changes:
    black .

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See the testing documentation here.

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For the release this repo is using Semantic Realese as automated process. To be able to generate changelogs we should keep using Conventional Commits practice. When PR merged to master it uses squash and merge with PR title for the commit message. This requires PR title to be conventional:

feat(EN-4444): Add Button component
^    ^          ^
|    |          |__ Subject
|    |_______ Scope
|____________ Type

When release job is running it will automatically bump up version depends on the changes:

  1. BREAKING CHANGE: <message> - creates new major version
  2. feat: <message> - creates new minor version
  3. fix or perf: <message> - creates new patch version
  4. All other tags will not create new release

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% unctl -h
usage: unctl [-h] [-v] {k8s,mysql} ...

          Welcome to unSkript CLI Interface 

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit

unctl available providers:

To see the different available options on a specific provider, run:
        unctl {provider} -h|--help


% unctl {provider} -h
usage: unctl {provider} [-h] [-f] [-c CHECKS [CHECKS ...]] [--sort-by {object,check}] [--categories CATEGORIES [CATEGORIES ...]]
                 [--services SERVICES [SERVICES ...]] [-l] [--list-categories] [--list-services] [-e | --explain | --no-explain]
                 [-r | --remediate | --no-remediate]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --failing-only    Show only failing checks
  -c CHECKS [CHECKS ...], --checks CHECKS [CHECKS ...]
                        Filter checks by IDs
  --sort-by {object,check}
                        Sort results by 'object' (default) or 'check'
  --categories CATEGORIES [CATEGORIES ...]
                        Filter checks by category
  --services SERVICES [SERVICES ...]
                        Filter checks by services
  -l, --list-checks     List available checks
  --list-categories     List available categories
  --list-services       List available services

Licensed features:
  These features available only in a licensed version.

  -e, --explain, --no-explain
                        Explain failures
  -r, --remediate, --no-remediate
                        Create remediation plan

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  • K8s checks - in progress
  • MySQL checks - in progress
  • ElasticSearch checks
  • AWS checks
  • GCP checks

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Abhishek Saxena: abhishek@unskript.com

Official website: https://unskript.com/

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