
A Python wrapper for the UniProt Mapping RESTful API.

uniprot, database, protein, ID, gene, parser
pip install uniprot-id-mapper==1.1.1


License: MIT Ruff Code style: black Imports: isort GitHub Actions Downloads:PyPI


A Python wrapper for UniProt's Retrieve/ID Mapping RESTful API. This package supports the following functionalities:

  1. Map (almost) any UniProt cross-referenced IDs to other identifiers & vice-versa;
  2. Programmatically retrieve any of the supported return fields from both UniProt-SwissProt and UniProt-TrEMBL (unreviewed) databases;

For these, check Example 1 and Example 2 below. Both functionalities can also be accessed through the CLI. For more information, check CLI.


From PyPI:

python -m pip install uniprot-id-mapper

Directly from GitHub:

python -m pip install git+https://github.com/David-Araripe/UniProtMapper.git

From source:

git clone https://github.com/David-Araripe/UniProtMapper
cd UniProtMapper
python -m pip install .


Example 1: Mapping IDs

To map IDs, the user can either call the object directly or use the get method to obtain the response. The different identifiers that are used by the API are designated by the from_db and to_db parameters. For example:

from UniProtMapper import ProtMapper

mapper = ProtMapper()

result, failed = mapper.get(
    ids=["P30542", "Q16678", "Q02880"], from_db="UniProtKB_AC-ID", to_db="Ensembl"

result, failed = mapper(
    ids=["P30542", "Q16678", "Q02880"], from_db="UniProtKB_AC-ID", to_db="Ensembl"

Where failed corresponds to a list of the identifiers that failed to be mapped and result is the following pandas DataFrame:

UniProtKB_AC-ID Ensembl
0 P30542 ENSG00000163485.17
1 Q16678 ENSG00000138061.12
2 Q02880 ENSG00000077097.17

Example 2: Retrieving information

The supported return fields are both accessible through UniProt's website or by the property .fields_table. For example:

from UniProtMapper import ProtMapper

mapper = ProtMapper()
df = mapper.fields_table
Label Legacy Returned Field Returned Field Field Type
0 Entry id accession Names & Taxonomy
1 Entry Name entry name id Names & Taxonomy
2 Gene Names genes gene_names Names & Taxonomy
3 Gene Names (primary) genes(PREFERRED) gene_primary Names & Taxonomy
4 Gene Names (synonym) genes(ALTERNATIVE) gene_synonym Names & Taxonomy

To retrieve information, the user can either call the object directly or use the get method to obtain the response. For example:

result, failed = mapper.get(["Q02880"])
>>> Fetched: 1 / 1

result, failed = mapper(["Q02880"])
>>> Fetched: 1 / 1

Custom returned fields can be retrieved by passing a list of fields to the fields parameter. These fields need to be within UniProtRetriever.fields_table["Returned_Field"] and will be returned with columns named as their respective Label.

The object already has a list of default fields under self.default_fields, but these are ignored if the parameter fields is passed.

fields = ["accession", "organism_name", "structure_3d"]
result, failed = mapper.get(["Q02880"], fields=fields)


The package also comes with a CLI that can be used to map IDs and retrieve information. To map IDs, the user can use the protmap command, accessible after installation. Here is a list of the available arguments, shown by protmap -h:

usage: UniProtMapper [-h] -i [IDS ...] [-r [RETURN_FIELDS ...]] [--default-fields] [-o OUTPUT]
                     [-from FROM_DB] [-to TO_DB] [-over] [-pf]

Retrieve data from UniProt using UniProt's RESTful API. For a list of all available fields, see: https://www.uniprot.org/help/return_fields 

Alternatively, use the --print-fields argument to print the available fields and exit the program.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i [IDS ...], --ids [IDS ...]
                        List of UniProt IDs to retrieve information from. Values must be
                        separated by spaces.
  -r [RETURN_FIELDS ...], --return-fields [RETURN_FIELDS ...]
                        If not defined, will pass `None`, returning all available fields.
                        Else, values should be fields to be returned separated by spaces. See
                        --print-fields for available options.
  --default-fields, -def
                        This option will override the --return-fields option. Returns only the
                        default fields stored in: <pkg_path>/resources/cli_return_fields.txt
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path to the output file to write the returned fields. If not provided,
                        will write to stdout.
  -from FROM_DB, --from-db FROM_DB
                        The database from which the IDs are. For the available cross
                        references, see: <pkg_path>/resources/uniprot_mapping_dbs.json
  -to TO_DB, --to-db TO_DB
                        The database to which the IDs will be mapped. For the available cross
                        references, see: <pkg_path>/resources/uniprot_mapping_dbs.json
  -over, --overwrite    If desired to overwrite an existing file when using -o/--output
  -pf, --print-fields   Prints the available return fields and exits the program.

Usage example, retrieving default fields from <pkg_path>/resources/cli_return_fields.txt:

Image displaying the output of UniProtMapper's CLI, protmap