
Pythonized Uniswap V3

pip install uniswapV3Python==1.0.0


Pythonized Uniswap V3

This repository contains a pythonized version of the popular Uniswap V3 AMM.

The goal of this model is not to optimize the original design but rather to mirror the code and allow for easy debugging and further development. Therefore, only a few abstractions have been made for a more comprehensible and simplified model - e.g. using Python dictionary features instead of the BitMap library in Solidity. Moreover, some features that are not essential to the market making logic have been removed - most noticeably the flash and oracle functionality.

This implementation achieves a very high-accuracy model of the original Solidity code and it also includes the full testset.



First, ensure you have Poetry installed.

git clone git@github.com:chainflip-io/python-uniswap-v3.git
cd python-uniswap-v3
poetry shell
poetry install

Running Tests

Pytest is used to run the tests.

pytest <testfile-name>::<test-name>

Package Installation

To be able to easily use this code outside the repository itself, it has been included in a Python package that can be easily installed via any Python package manager.

Via Pip:

pip install -i https://pypi.org/simple/ uniswapV3Python

Via Poetry:

poetry add uniswapV3Python