
Meta-package for unittest2 functionality on both Python 2 and Python 3

testing, unittest2
pip install unittest2six==0.0.0




Simple meta package to easily get unittest2 functionality in both Python 2 and Python 3.

Note: You probably don't need this package anymore. The unittest2 package supports Python 3 since version 0.6.0 (released 2014-10-28).

This provides stuff that was added to unittest in the Python 2.7 stdlib and backported to Python 2.6 with unittest2. e.g.:

  • assertIn/assertNotIn
  • assertIsInstance/assertNotIsInstance
  • assertRaises as a context manager
  • etc...

This module has no code. It's just a meta package that install_requires the proper dependency:

This is handy to have one dependency that you can use on both Python 2 and Python 3 and not have to have separate pip requirements files and tox targets.


Results from Tox:

$ make test
[TOX] py25: commands succeeded
[TOX] py26: commands succeeded
[TOX] py27: commands succeeded
[TOX] py30: commands succeeded
[TOX] py31: commands succeeded
[TOX] py32: commands succeeded
[TOX] congratulations :)
  py26: commands succeeded
  py27: commands succeeded
  py32: commands succeeded
  py33: commands succeeded
  py34: commands succeeded
  pypy: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

See also

  • msabramo/unittest2#1 -- This is a GitHub pull request for changes that I proposed to make to unittest2 to make it work in Python 3.