
Utility to easily store password/secrets.

pip install v-crypt==1.0.4


Palette Material Design

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Utility to easily store password/secrets. It uses Fernet from the cryptography module instead of reinventing the wheel.

Fernet is a symmetric encryption that uses 128-bit AES in CBC mode and PKCS7 padding with HMAC using SHA256 for authentication. You can read more about it here.

Why v-crypt?

It is always annoying to deal with secrets and passwords in python especially if you work with other people. What we found that worked best for us was:

  • Create one master private password (ignored from git)
  • Have dict-like file with the rest of passwords encrypted

This module provides the class Cipher to handle that easily.

The idea behind this module is to be able to create a json or yaml with encrypted secrets. The keys will be public but the values won't. This way you can store the dictionary of secrets in git and easily share them with other people working in the same project. You will only need to share the master.password once. And all the other passwords/secrets will be tracked with git.


You can install it with pip by running:

pip install v-crypt


from v_crypt import Cipher

# Create a cipher instance
cipher = Cipher()

# Create a new master password

# Store a secret
cipher.save_secret("secret", "I like python")

# Retrive a secret


There are three paramaters to customize the cipher:

  1. secrets_file: path of the file with secrets. Can be a json or yaml.
  2. filename_master_password: path of the file with the master password
  3. environ_var_name: if passed it allows to read the master password from an environ var.

For yaml you need to install pyyaml

For example you could do:

cipher = Cipher(secrets_file="data/secrets.yaml", filename_master_password="data/master.secret")

This will allow you to store both the master.password and secrets.yaml in the folder data.

There is not much more customization since the idea is to keep it simple.

Integrating it in other projects

We usually have one or more python files with utilities, for example utilities.py.

To use v_crypt we initiallize the cipher there and then create a get_secret dummy function that will call the cipher.

from v_crypt import Cipher

cipher = Cipher(secrets_file="data/secrets.yaml", filename_master_password="data/master.secret")

def get_secret(key):
    return cipher.get_secret(key)

Then you can use it elsewhere with:

import utilities as u



This package relies on poetry and pre-commit. In order to develop you need to install both libraries with:

pip install poetry pre-commit
poetry install
pre-commit install

Then you need to add poetry run before any python shell command. For example:

# DO
poetry run python master.py

# don't do
python master.py



The content of this repository is licensed under a MIT.


Branches and commits use some prefixes to keep everything better organized.


  • f/: features
  • r/: releases
  • h/: hotfixs


  • [NEW] new features
  • [FIX] fixes
  • [REF] refactors
  • [PYL] pylint improvements
  • [TST] tests