
Python CLI for v2ray and subscription.

Python, CLI, for, v2ray, and, subscription
pip install v2raycli==0.1.1



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Python CLI for v2ray.

Quick Start

You can install v2raycli with PyPI

pip install v2raycli

or with source code

git clone https://github.com/narugo1992/v2raycli.git
cd v2raycli
pip install .

Then you need to download v2ray CLI from here

After that, we can start your local proxy service

# Use your own subscription url
export V2RAY_SUBSCRIPTION='https://jmssub.net/members/getsub.php?service=777777&id=4c646243-6c01-42f4-a4f1-eef212b2e659'
# Use your own v2ray binary executable
export V2RAY_BIN=./bin/v2ray

v2raycli list                  # List the sites in subscription
v2raycli run                   # Start the proxy (socks5 protocol, port 17777)
v2raycli run -P http -p 16384  # Start at port 16384 with http protocol
v2raycli run -R                # DO NOT ASK ME! Just randomly use one site