
Hard pin your installed dependencies

pip install version-lister==0.1.0



Hard pin your dependencies in requirements.txt

This is a simple python program or rather script to update requirements.txt depending upon its state:

  1. Check the dependencies(packages) currently installed in the environment.
  2. (Req.file Present):For each value of packages present in environment, update those which were listed already in requirements.txt dependency version.
  3. (Req.file absent): For all the values of packages in the environment, list them in requirements.txt as it is, with dependencies locked.(You may have to manually remove un-necessary values.) Note : Hence as a necessity, it requires that project dependencies are already installed with working versions.


  • helping python package authors/owners to hard pin their dependencies with the working version installed in their requirements.txt file before making it public.

  • It is not a complete solution for dependency management in building python projects, nor does it in anyway attempts to become so.

Getting Started

  • Install:

    • Activate venv/virtualenv, install through pip:
    • pip install version_lister
  • Run:

    • add-version in the top level working dir where requirements.txt is present.
  • recommended usage :
    • Before running add-version make sure :
      • All required project dependencies are installed.
      • All dependencies are mentioned in the requirements.txt file in any way with or without any semantic versioning.
      • Failure of first results in requirements.txt updated with un-necessary environment packages and no actual required dependency mentioned.
      • Failure of second results in noisy requirements file where other system packages are mentioned alongside actual dependencies.



version_lister was created by Azzam Zafar. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.