
Python Vidispine API Adapter

pip install vidispine-adapter==0.0.6


Python Vidispine Adapter

A python (3.6+) wrapper around the Vidispine API

Note: This is a work in progress and not all of the vidispine endpoints have been implemented yet.

Full documentation can be found here.

Quick start


pip install vidispine-adapter

Basic Usage

To use the Vidispine API you will need a to know the URL, user and password. The user does not need to be the admin user but does need the correct roles for any API call you make

from vidispine import Vidispine

vs = Vidispine(url='http://localhost:8080', user='admin', password='admin')
vs.collection.create({'name': 'test_collection_1'})

If url, user and password are not passed through when initialising, Vidispine will fall back and try and use environmental variables called VIDISPINE_URL, VIDISPINE_USER and VIDISPINE_PASSWORD

export VIDISPINE_URL="http://localhost:8080"
export VIDISPINE_USER="admin"
from vidispine import Vidispine

vs = Vidispine()
vs.collection.create({'name': 'test_collection_1'})


All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Please see for more details including details on how to run tests etc.

Running tests

This package is setup to use the Pytest framework for testing. To run tests, simply execute:

pytest tests/

A coverage report will displayed in the shell on each test run as well as written to htmlcov/ and can be viewed with open htmlcov/index.html

Calls to Vidispine are mocked using by default but mocks can easily be refreshed and kept up to date. For more information on how to create and refresh mocks please see the Running tests section in