version manager manages versions and patches files

pip install vm==2.0.10


vm 2021.6.1

Updates versions across multiple files.


pip install vm


You need a versions.yml, or a versions.json where you can specify for what you’re tracking the versions, and what files to be updated using glob patterns:

germanium:  # (1)
  version: 1.10.3  # (2)
  files:  # (3)
    README.*: "^(germanium )(.*?)$" "version='**VERSION**',"
    doc/usage/index.adoc: "^(= Germanium v)(.*?)$"
    germanium/ "current = \"**VERSION**\""
  1. The name of the variable we want to update

  2. The value of the variable (can also use shell commands to be computed)

  3. The files, and corresponding expressions we want to use for patching the files


usage: version-manager [-h] [--display NAME] [--all]
                       [--set NAME=VAL [NAME=VAL ...]] [--load FILE] [-t]
                       [--ignore-missing-parents] [--version] [-st TAG]

Versions processor

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --display NAME, -d NAME
                        Display the version of a single tracked version.
  --all, -a, --list     Display all the tracked versions and their values.
  --set NAME=VAL [NAME=VAL ...], -s NAME=VAL [NAME=VAL ...]
                        Set values overriding what's in the yml files.
  --load FILE, -l FILE  Override versions from the given yml file.
  -t, --tag-name, --tag
                        Get the current name to use in general tags. If the
                        branch name can't be detected from the git repo, the
                        $BRANCH_NAME environment variable will be used.
                        Ignore missing parents, and simply don't patch the
                        values. Upstream values are still being patched if
  --version             Show the program version (2021.4.2)
  -st TAG, --set-tag TAG
                        Override the current tag returned by nested calls of
                        `vm -t`. This works by setting the VERSION_MANAGER_TAG
                        in the environment of the current process.

Specifying Versions Values

When we’ll patch some value in some file, we need first to obtain the actual value we want to write.

The first most obvious answer is that static values are kept as they are:

  version: Awesome code

The version value will be expanded using the shell if it contains a '$' or a '’, so you can have a version such as:

  version: Built at $(date) on $(uname -n)

Versions can also refer to other version files, and extract properties from there, using the parent: notation in the version:

  version: "parent:../germanium/@germaniumdrivers"

The path will point to the versions.json/yml file, or to the folder that contains the versions.json/yml file, and after that fill will be read and interpreted the germaniumdrivers version will be used.

Versions can be also manually overriden from the command line, using the --set or -s flag, for example:

version-manager -s germanium=2.0.8

This will ignore the value specified in the versions.yml file, and use the specified one.

After we obtained that value we wanted to write, we need to patch the files somehow. For this we use experssions.

File Expressions

File expressions are what describes what needs to be patched and where. They belong as value entries inside the files mapping. There are currently only two file expression types (maven is deprecated in favor of custom expressions in custom settings):

RegExp File

It is a RegExp that has two or three groups, and it will have the second group replaced to the matched version.

For example:

README: "(This installs version )(.+?)( of the product\\.)"

Whatever it’s in group one and three gets kept, and the second group gets replaced with the actual value that got resolved.


This will construct a RegExp that will match exactly the given text, with the VERSION being the second group.

So having a matcher such as:

README: "This installs version **VERSION** of the product."

or yaml

README: This installs version **VERSION** of the product.

is equivalent with the following Regex expression:

README: "(This installs version )(.+?)( of the product\\.)"

If the **`s are replaced with `^^ at the beginning, or ` at the end, they will act as RegExp anchors, equivalent to `^` and `$`. In case in the expression there is content before the `^^`, or after the `, the content is ignored.

Custom Expressions

Another way to specify the expressions is through the custom settings section, where complex RegEx expressions can be externalized:

  pip: pip_library\(\s*name\s*=\s*"$1"\s*,\s*version\s*=\s*"$value"\s*,?\s*\)
  version: 3.0
    build/thirdparty/python/BUILD: pip:PyYAML
    build/thirdparty/gepython/BUILD: pip:PyYAML

The value for matching are expected to have multiple : separated values, and can be referred in the regex as {var1}, {var2} etc. The actual values for var* variables will be regex escaped, so they’ll match as they are.

maven Expressions (deprecated)

Maven expressions tries to match using GAV identifiers. These will construct a RegExp that will match:


In order to specify the matcher, just use the maven: prefix:

pom.xml: "maven:com.germaniumhq:germanium"

Matcher Constraints

In order to make sure that the expressions are not replacing in too many places, constraints can be added to limit, or extend the matches.

Matcher constraints are always active, and in case no constraint is specified then the maximum replacement count is set to 1.

Match Count

  "product" : {
    "version": "1.0",
    "files": {
      "": {
        "match": "^(= Germanium v)(.*?)$",
        "count": 2

or yaml

  version: "1.0"
      match: ^(= Germanium v)(.*?)$
      count: 2

The count can be also 0 for no matches, or negative to indicate any number of matches is allowed.

Multiple Matchers

In a single file, we can have multiple matchers as well, for example:

  "product" : {
    "version": "1.0",
    "files": {
      "": [
        "^(= Germanium v)(.*?)$",
        "(Germanium )(\\d+\\.\\d+)()"

For each matcher that is added, if there is no match count specified, it’s assumed that it will only match once in the file.

Of course, constraints can be applied for both the full set of matchers:

  "product" : {
    "version": "1.0",
    "files": {
      "": {
        "match": [
          "^(= Germanium v)(.*?)$",
          "(Germanium )(\\d+\\.\\d+)()"
        "count": 3

or even individual expressions:

  "product" : {
    "version": "1.0",
    "files": {
      "": {
        "match": [
          "^(= Germanium v)(.*?)$",
            "match": "(Germanium )(\\d+\\.\\d+)()",
            "count": 2
        "count": 3


  1. Files are actually glob patterns, so you can match */.js for example.

  2. The configuration files can be yml.

  3. vm will output the following error codes: 0 when no files are changed, 0 when files are changed successfuly, or a non zero error code in case of error.