
pip install vmapper==0.1.0.dev202308060456


V-Mapper - Velocity Mapper

V-Mapper (velocity Mapper) is an extension of Mapper, which is a well-known topological data analysis (TDA) method for extracting high-dimensional topological structures as a graph [Singh et al., 2007]. V-Mapper is for high-dimensional data with position and velocity and describes a topological structure and flows on it simultaneously as a weighted directed graph (V-Mapper graph) by embedding given velocity data in the edges of the Mapper graph.

Y. Imoto and Y. Hiraoka. V-Mapper: topological data analysis for high-dimensional data with velocity, 2023, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE.


To install V-Mapper package, use pip as follows:

$ pip install vmapper


  • Python3
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn