
Interact easily with your VMWare clusters.

vmware, vsphere, vm, reporter, vcenter
pip install vmware-reporter==0.3.1



Interact easily with your VMWare clusters.


VMWare-reporter package is published on PyPI:

pip install vmware-reporter

Optionaly, use specifier [excel] to also install dependencies for reading and writing Excel files:

pip install vmware-reporter[excel]


Create file C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Local\vmware-reporter\vmware-reporter.conf (/home/$USER/.config/vmware-reporter/vmware-reporter.conf on Linux).


host = myvcenter.example.org
user = reporter@vsphere.local
password = ...
no_ssl_verify = True

Several environments may be distinguished. Example for two environments named ENV1 and ENV2:

host = myvcenter.env1.example.org
user = reporter@vsphere.local
password = ...
no_ssl_verify = True

host = myvcenter.env2.example.org
user = reporter@vsphere.local
password = ...
no_ssl_verify = True

Usage examples

See also full documentation (including API reference).

VMWare-reporter may be used as a library in your Python code:

from vmware_reporter import VCenterClient
with VCenterClient() as vcenter:
    for vm in vcenter.iterate_objs('vm'):

VMWare-reporter may also be invoked as a command-line application (the vmware-reporter executable is installed with the package). Examples:

  • Export inventory of VMWare managed objects to a YAML file:
vmware-reporter inventory
  • Export all available information about VMWare managed objects to JSON files:
vmware-reporter dump
  • Reconfigure VMs (mass operation): copy template vms_reconfigure.xlsx to data/vms_reconfigure.xlsx, fill-in this file, then:
vmware-reporter vm reconfigure
  • If you use several environments, put files in data/ENV1/ instead of data/ and specify environment on the command line. Example:
vmware-reporter -e ENV1 vm reconfigure

Complete help about command-line usage may be displayed by typing:

vmware-reporter --help

Run every day (using a systemd timer)

Copy vmware-reporter.service, vmware-reporter.timer and notify-email@.service in /etc/systemd/system and adapt them to your configuration.


sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable vmware-reporter.timer
sudo systemctl start vmware-reporter.timer


This library leverages pyvmomi, the vSphere API Python bindings provided by VMWare.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

This project is not affiliated in any way with VMWare or Broadcom.