Text To Audio Drama (TTAD) program, uses play-like scripts.

pip install voxtalkz==1.2.9



voxtalkz is an open source python library that aims to provide a service to convert play-like-scripts to semi-relisic audio-dramas.

Getting Started


Python >= 3.6

voxtalkz needs several python libraries to function:

Google Text To Speach (gTTS)

Pydub (pydub)

These will be atomatically installed with pip.


pip install voxtalkz

Note: if pip fails, pip3 should work


Write a short script and save it as test.script.

# Assign a name to an actor

# Make her say Hello, World!
Susan:Hello, World!

There are two easy options to run voxtalks

  1. Open the commandline and navigate to your file.

    Run the script.

    python3 -m voxtalkz test.script test --debug
  2. Run this in a python shell:

    import voxtalks
    voxtalkz.say(<path/to/test.script>, <output_file_name>, debug=True)

Assuming all went well, you should see a file named test.mp3. Play it with your favorate mp3 playing program. (Other filetypes will be made avilable upon request)

Using wavnet voices

instead of python3 -m voxtalkz test.script test --debug, use python3 -m voxtalkz test.script test --debug --cloud <my_api_key> (May not work)

Or in Idle or a script: python import voxtalks voxtalkz.say(<path/to/test.script>, <output_file_name>, debug=True, cloudKey=<my_api_key>)

replace <my_api_key> with a Google Cloud TextToSpeach API key, (google Google Cloud TextToSpeach API key it to find out how to get one)

This will give you MUCH better sounding voices than the default default ones, but keep in mind, there are differant voices for wavenet. Look at the help section for more info.

Modifiers for wavenet voices are supported via ssml, with a simple conversion script such that:


Susan: Hello World! __I really like dirt.__ *Dirt tasts good.*

Will sound like: Hello world! I really like dirt. Dirt tasts good.

Keep in mind, emphisising a word will break the flow of a sentance, such that the following


Susan: I __really__ like dirt.

Will sound like I. Really. Like dirt.

Use a sound Effect

Navigate to your home directory (On windows that's C:/Users/Username) and create a folder named .voxtalkz.

Navigate into that folder and create a new folder named soundEffects.

Download a .mp3 or .wav sound effect (other filetypes will be made available upon request, or as I need them) and place it in the .voxtalkz/soundEffects/ folder, for this tutorial we will assume the file is called footsteps.mp3.

Write a short script and save it as test2.script.

# Assign a name to an actor

# Make her say Hello, World!
Susan:Hello, World!
Susan:Goodbye, World!

# Add the soud effect

Open the commandline and navigate to your file. Run the script.

python3 -m voxtalkz test2.script test2 --debug

Play test2.mp3

Adding a Modifier

Write a short script and save it as test3.script.

# Assign a name to an actor

# Make her say Hello, World! as a little girl
Susan:Hello, World!@PITCH=0.3

# Make her say Goodbye, World! as an old woman
Susan:Goodbye, World!@PITCH=-0.3

Open the commandline and navigate to your file. Run the script.

python3 -m voxtalkz test3.script test3 --debug

Play the resulting test3.mp3.

Using in in Python with lists

	import voxtalkz

	TalkzBox = voxtalkz.voxTalkz('',<outputfilename>)
	mylist = [['Susan','british_woman'],['Susan', 'Hello, world!']]

Using as a Python Library

Copy voxtalkz.py to the folder with the python file you want to use it with.

Add these line of code to your program:

import voxtalkz

TalkzBox = voxtalkz.voxTalkz(<scriptname>,<outputfilename>)
Parsed = TalkzBox.Parse(TalkzBox.file)
OutputSound = TalkzBox.ListToSound(Parsed)
# OutputSound is an instance of pydub.AudioSegment. It can be proccesed with pydub now.
OutputSound.export(filename, format='<.wav, .mp3, and others>')


Any and all help will be greatly appriciated! Any feature requests will be implemented if possible.



This project is licensed under the GNUv3 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


Usage: python3 -m voxtalkz [input file, output file] 

Converts play-like script to a .mp3 file 
Script file must be written in this manner: 

#The first time a unknown name is called, instead of making the person talk, the name will be assigned to a person. 
#Then the person will "talk"
Susan:Hello, world!
#Comments are allowed!

Effects can be applied by adding an @ symbal the the effect name, like so:
person1:hello, world!@VOLUME=8
A second effect can be applied by using the pipe("|") like so:
person1:Hello, World!@FADE|VOLUME=8

List of all effects:
	@FADE | Fade to nothing
	@FADE_IN | Fade in from silent
	@OVERLAY | Overlays the sound onto what has already been recorded. Use @OVERLAY=VAR1 to START the overlay at the begining of where you assigned @VAR=1
	@REPEAT= | Repeat audio segment however many times you specify. e.g. (american_woman:Hello, world!@REPEAT=10) would produce Someone saying "Hello, world!" ten times
	@VAR=    | Assign a number to a temporary table. Only used with @OVERLAY
	@VOLUME= | Set volume change in decibels. A negitive number will reduce the volume
	@PITCH=  | Set pitch change. e.g. "american_woman:Hello, world!@PITCH=0.3" would make the person sound like a little girl, while "american_woman:Hello, world!@PITCH=-0.3" would sound like an old woman
Wavenet/Cloud voice specific effects:
	@SPEAKINGRATE= | number from 0.25 to 4.0, where 1 is normal, 2 is twice as fast, 0.5 if half speed...

List of all normal actors:
	indian_man | Clearly speaks
	american_woman | Clearly speaks
	danish_woman | Clearly speaks
	au_woman | Clearly speaks
	british_woman | Clearly speaks
	indian_woman | Clearly speaks
	korean_man | Clearly speaks
List of all wavenet actors:



    + all normal actors

Sound effects must be in the .mp3 or .wav format and placed in /home/user/.voxtalk/soundEffects
To use footsteps.mp3 as a sound effect: put '*footsteps' in your script