
Waylay Alarms Types

Waylay, Alarms, Types
pip install waylay-sdk-alarms-types==


Waylay Alarms Service

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

This Python package is automatically generated based on the Waylay Alarms OpenAPI specification (API version: 1.11.0) For more information, please visit the openapi specification.

It consists of two sub-packages that are both plugins for the waylay-sdk-core package.

  • The waylay-sdk-alarms sub-package contains the Alarms api methods.
  • The waylay-sdk-alarms-types sub-package is an extension that contains the typed model classes for all path params, query params, body params and responses for each of the api methods in waylay-sdk-alarms.


This package requires Python 3.9+.


Normally this package is installed together with support for other services using the waylay-sdk umbrella package:

  • pip install waylay-sdk will install waylay-sdk-alarms together with the SDK api packages for other services.
  • pip install waylay-sdk[types-alarms] will additionally install the types package waylay-sdk-alarms-types.
  • pip install waylay-sdk[types] will install the types packages for this and all other services.

Alternatively, you can install support for this alarms service only, installing or extending an existing waylay-sdk-core:

  • pip install waylay-sdk-alarms to only install api support for alarms.
  • pip install waylay-sdk-alarms[types] to additionally install type support for alarms.


from pprint import pprint

# Import the waylay-client from the waylay-sdk-core package
from waylay.sdk.client import WaylayClient
from waylay.sdk.api.api_exceptions import ApiError

# Intialize a waylay client instance
waylay_client = WaylayClient.from_profile()

# Note that the typed model classes for responses/parameters/... are only available when `waylay-sdk-alarms-types` is installed
from waylay.services.alarms.models.version_response import VersionResponse
    # Get Service Information
    # calls `GET /alarms/v1`
    api_response = await waylay_client.alarms.about.get(
    print("The response of alarms.about.get:\n")
except ApiError as e:
    print("Exception when calling alarms.about.get: %s\n" % e)

For more information, please visit the Waylay API documentation.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.waylay.io

Class Method HTTP request Description
AboutApi get GET /alarms/v1 Get Service Information
AlarmEventsApi get GET /alarms/v1/events Alarm Events
AlarmsApi create POST /alarms/v1/alarms Create Alarm
AlarmsApi delete DELETE /alarms/v1/alarms/{alarmId} Delete Alarm
AlarmsApi get GET /alarms/v1/alarms/{alarmId} Get Alarm
AlarmsApi list GET /alarms/v1/alarms Query Multiple Alarms
AlarmsApi update PUT /alarms/v1/alarms/{alarmId} Update Alarm
AlarmsBatchOperationsApi get GET /alarms/v1/batch/{batchId} Get Alarms Batch Operation Status
AlarmsBatchOperationsApi start POST /alarms/v1/batch Start Alarms Batch Operation

Documentation For Models