
Command line weather app

weather, cli, command-line, command-line-tool, python
pip install weather-command==0.1.0


Weather Command

Tests Status status Coverage PyPI version PyPI - Python Version

A command line weather app


Installation with pipx is recommended.

pipx install weather-command

Alternatively Weather Command can be installed with pip.

pip install weather-command


First an API key is needed from OpenWeather, A free account is all that is needed. Once you have your API key create an environment variable named OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY that constains your API key.

export OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY=your-api-key

Each time the shell is restarted this variable will be cleared. To avoid this it can be added to your profile. For example if your shell is zsh the API key can be added to the ~/.zshenv file. Doing this will prevent the need to re-add the key each time the shell is started.

To get the weather for a city:

weather city seattle

Once installed you can also add aliases to your shell to make it quick to get a forecast. For example if your shell is zsh you can add something like the following to your ~/.zshrc file:

alias we="weather zip 98109 -i --am-pm"
alias wed="weather zip 98109 -i --am-pm -f daily"
alias weh="weather zip 98109 -i --am-pm -f hourly"

After adding this to the ~/.zshrc you will need to restart your terminal. After that typing we will get the current forecast, wed will get the daily forecast and weh will get the hourly forecast.


  • Current Weather

Current weather

  • Current Weather Temp Only

Current weather temp only

  • Daily Weather

Daily weather

  • Daily Weather Temp Only

Daily weather temp only

  • Hourly Weather

Hourly weather

  • Hourly Weather Temp Only

Hourl weather temp only


weather now has the ability to save settings to default certain flags. The list of possible settings can be seen with:

weather settings --help


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you are interested in contributing please see our contributing guide