
get title and text for given web url

pip install web-article==1.0.0


web_article: A Python Article Scraper and CLI Tool

web_article is a Python package designed to scrape and parse articles from various web sources seamlessly. Accompanied by a command-line interface (CLI) tool, users can efficiently extract articles from given URLs and export them in multiple formats.


  • Scrape articles from multiple supported URLs.
  • Export articles to various formats: JSON, JL, and CSV.
  • Intuitive command-line tool for quick extraction and export.
  • Flexible output options, including encoding, indentation, and delimiters.


Python 3.x


python3 -m pip install web_article


Using the web_article CLI tool is straightforward. Here are some common use cases:

  1. Scraping a Single Article from URL:
web_article url1
  1. Scraping Multiple Articles from URLs:
web_article url1 url2 url3
  1. Scraping Articles from URLs Listed in a File:
web_article urls.txt
  1. Exporting Articles in JSON Format:
web_article urls.txt -o out.json -f json
  1. Exporting Articles in JSON Format with Indentation:
web_article urls.txt -o out.json -f json -i 2
  1. Exporting Articles in CSV Format:
web_article urls.txt -o out.csv -f csv
  1. Exporting in a Specific Encoding (e.g., UTF-8 with BOM for Office Excel):
web_article urls.txt -o out.csv -f csv -e utf-8-sig


-o, --outfile : The name of the output file. Defaults to standard output if not provided.

-f, --outfmt : The format for the output. Choices are 'jl', 'json', 'csv'. Defaults to 'jl'.

-d, --delimiter : Delimiter for CSV output. Default is ','.

-e, --encoding : Encoding for the output file. Default is 'utf-8'.

-i, --indent : Indentation for JSON output. An integer value.