
This program allows people to convert their old webapp2 classes to make them work with Python 3 using Flask

pip install webapp3-flask==0.1.9



This is a way for people to convert their old webapp2 classes to make them work with Python 3 using Flask. It allows you to use webapp2 syntax in Python 3.

You can view the source code at https://github.com/ReddingSoftware/Webapp3 The github version is a complete program to demonstrate usage. If you are downloading from github to make the syntax of an existing program work with Python 3, you only need the webapp3.py file. Alternativly you can pip install instead.

You can install this module using

pip3 install webapp3-flask

To find out the latest version go to https://pypi.org/project/webapp3-flask/

You also need to list the latest version in your requirements.txt For Google App Engine you also need to pip install it to your lib file using

pip3 install -t lib -r requirements.txt

Also, if you pip install you must use:

from webapp3 import *


from webapp3 import BaseHandler,webapp2,RequestHandler,webappGet,webappPost

Here is a quick YouTube video demonstrating how to use this module https://youtu.be/P_B1Mu9p0cg