
Python SDK for Webdock awesome API.

pip install webdock==1.0.0


Python SDK for Webdock API

This is the Python SDK to interact with Webdock API. Please visit https://apidocs.beta.webdock.io/api-docs/ to read the API documentation.


Install from PyPi:

pip install webdock

or clone this repo and run:

python setup.py install


from webdock.webdock import Webdock

wd = Webdock('your-api-token-here')



List servers

servers = wd.servers()

Get a server

    server = wd.get_server(serverSlug)
except Exception as e:
    print('An error occured: {}'.format(str(e)))

Patch a server

newstatus = 'running'
wd.patch_server(serverSlug, newstatus)

Get server locations

locations = wd.get_locations()

Get profiles

profiles = wd.get_profiles()

Get images

images = wd.get_images()

Get public SSH keys

pubkeys = wd.get_pubkeys()

Create a public key

res = wd.create_key(keyName, publicKey)

Delete a public key


Get all shell users on a server

users = wd.get_shellusers(serverSlug)

Create a new shell user

publicKeys list should contain IDs of SSH keys

res = wd.create_shelluser(serverSlug, username, password, group, shell, publicKeys=[])

Delete a shell user

wd.delete_shelluser(serverSlug, 'user-id')

Update a shell user

publicKeys list should contain IDs of SSH keys

res = wd.create_shelluser(serverSlug=serverSlug, shellUserId='shell-user-id-to-update', username='username', password='password', group='group', shell='default-shell', publicKeys=[])

Get public scripts

pubscripts = wd.get_pubscripts()

Get public scripts for a server

pubscripts = wd.get_serverscripts()

Create a server script

res = wd.create_serverscript(serverSlug, scriptId, path, makeScriptExecutable=False, executeImmediately=False)

Get a server script by ID

res = wd.get_serverscript(serverSlug, scriptId)

Delete a server script ID

wd.delete_serverscript(serverSlug, scriptId)

Execute a server script

res = wd.execute_serverscript(serverSlug, scriptId)

Get server snapshots

res = wd.get_snapshots(serverSlug)

Create a server snapshot

res = wd.create_snapshots(serverSlug, name)

Get a snapshot by ID

res = wd.get_snapshot(serverSlug, snapshotId)

Delete a snapshot by ID

wd.delete_snapshot(serverSlug, snapshotId)

Restore a snapshot

res = wd.restore_snapshot(serverSlug, snapshotId)

Get list of hooks

res = wd.get_hooks()

Get a hook by ID

res = wd.get_hook(hookId)

Delete a hook by ID


Create a hook

res = wd.create_hook(hookType, hookValue)