
A context manager to deal with logging level as context manager.

pip install withlog==0.0.3



Logging as a context manager.

Visually inspired by how Credo looks like, I always find difficult to communicate with user in command line interface. So this is a logging/printing system which is more block based than line base, and with color also.

The following will show a nice formatted message :

with Message('Hello there') as log:
    log('This is a Logging message context manager')
    log('it support nesting and will render in a User friendly way')
    log('I need to fix multi \nline \nstring')

You can nest these:

with Message('Hello there') as log:
    log('This is a Logging message context manager')
    log('it support nesting and will render in a User friendly way')
    log('I need to fix multi \nline \nstring')
    with Warning('Nested it does support') as log1:
        log1('like Yoda speach order ')
        log1('of words are')

    with Critical('Come to the dark side') as log2:
        log2('we have cookies')

        with OK("Paternity test") as log3:
            log3('I am your father')

To get nested messages: