
A small utility script to count frequencies of words in a text file including options to stem,remove uoms, remove numerics, remove decimals, lemmitization

pip install wordfrequency==0.1



A small python script to count frequencies of words including tokenization, stemming/lemming, removal of stop words++

Accepts path to a text file as an input and will then count frequencies in text using nltk and prior to that perform cleansing on words

Requires that

NLTK is installed


Run options

inputfile -> path to file with input text to process resultfile -> path to file to write results to as a csv file additional_stopwords -> path to a file containing additional stopwords (in addition to default english ones from NLTK). Each stop word should be on a new line logfile -> path to logfile lemmetize -> if specified runs lemmitization on words stem -> if specified runs stemming of words numerics -> if specified tries to remove numerics e.g. 1250 uoms -> if specified tries to remove uoms in the form of e.g. 1m, 1m3 singlechars -> if specified tries to remove single chars decimals -> if specified tries to remove decimals e.g. 10.35


With the sample text below are an example of different outputs

I have a dog which is 30cm high and 12.5cm long. My dog likes barking all of the day. He also likes pizza. He also likes to take 1hr walks in very rainy and cold weather.

Running just counting words and lowercasing text

python3 -m categorize categorizetext --inputfile=./sample/input.txt --logfile=./log.txt --resultfile=./results.csv

Gives the result

Word Frequency
dog 2
30cm 1
high 1
12.5cm 1
long 1
. 4
likes 3
barking 1
day 1
also 2
pizza 1
take 1
1hr 1
walks 1
rainy 1
cold 1
weather 1

Running removing numerics, singlechars, decimals and uoms

python3 -m categorize categorizetext --inputfile=./sample/input.txt --logfile=./log.txt --resultfile=./results.csv --uoms --numerics --singlechars --decimals

Gives the result

Word Frequency
dog 2
high 1
long 1
likes 3
barking 1
day 1
also 2
pizza 1
take 1
walks 1
rainy 1
cold 1
weather 1

Running removing numerics, singlechars, decimals, uoms and lemmitization

python3 -m categorize categorizetext --inputfile=./sample/input.txt --logfile=./log.txt --resultfile=./results.csv --uoms --numerics --singlechars --decimals --lemmetize

Gives the result

Word Frequency
dog 2
high 1
long 1
like 3
barking 1
day 1
also 2
pizza 1
take 1
walk 1
rainy 1
cold 1
weather 1

Running removing numerics, singlechars, decimals, uoms and stemming

python3 -m categorize categorizetext --inputfile=./sample/input.txt --logfile=./log.txt --resultfile=./results.csv --uoms --numerics --singlechars --decimals --stem

Gives the result

Word Frequency
dog 2
high 1
long 1
like 3
bark 1
day 1
also 2
pizza 1
take 1
walk 1
raini 1
cold 1
weather 1