On-the-go HTML Abstraction and Generator for Python

html, abstraction, template, python
pip install woshi==2.1.3



On-the-go HTML Abstraction and Generator for Python.

Woshi is simple, it abstracts XML nesting and leverages CSS3 selectors to append elements into the HTML document!

Version 2.0 is a breaking upgrade, which means the general usage and the internal algorithms were change to make it more flexible and lighter. The package lxml was removed in favor of a custom-made builder function. Only simple CSS3 selectors are supported, but will add support in the upcoming versions.

Here's a sample syntax:

page["tag#id"] = "tag #id.class property='10' > inner text"

And scroll down below for more examples.

Official Release

Current version is 2.0, but more updates are coming soon. Compatible with Python 3.10 or later.

pip install woshi


Import Package

from woshi import Woshi


page = Woshi()

# initializing with a valid HTML text
page = Woshi("<div></div>")

# setting up filename
page = Woshi(filepath="home.html")

Creating elements with an inner text

page["head"] = "title > Woshi v1.0"

Creating other elements Basically, you set the parent selector to append the new element.

# create container box
page["body"] = "div #content"
page["#content"] = "div #box.container.light"

# create the popup text
page["#box"] = "div #title.header > Woshi"
page["#box"] = "div .message data-default='Lorem ipsum...' > Hello, world!"

# populate the action buttons
page["#box"] = "div #action.btn-list"
page["#action"] = "button #btn1.btn.btn-no style='background-color:#b22222;color:#fff;' > CLOSE"
page["#action"] = "button #btn2.btn.btn-maybe > LATER"

Setting Properties

page["html"] = "lang=en"
page["body"] = "#canvas"

Yield all matches

for match in page["button"]:

Save to HTML file
