
Read and write configuration values in a WordPress "wp-config.php" file.

python, wordpress
pip install wpconfigger==1.0.0




A Python package for reading and writing configuration values in a WordPress wp-config.php file.


A default wp-config.php might look like this:

define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );

wpconfigr will help you update the file to:

define( 'SOMETHING_ENTIRELY_NEW', 'garnet' );
define( 'DB_NAME', 'my_blog' );

wpconfigr exposes two functions:

  • set(key, value) will update a property of name key if it exists, otherwise will create it.
  • get(key) will return the value of the property of name key, or None if it doesn't exist.


pip install wpconfigr

Command-line usage

Writing values to wp-config.php

Named parameters:

  • --filename: Full path and filename of the wp-config.php file.
  • --key: Name of the property to create/update.
  • --value: String value to set.
  • --set-true: Set the value to boolean true.
  • --set-false: Set the value to boolean false.
  • --log-level: (Optional) Log level.
python -m wpconfigr --filename  /www/wp-config.php \
                    --key       DB_NAME \
                    --value     my_blog \
                    --log-level info

Reading values from wp-config.php

As above, but do not specify a value (via the --value, --set-true or --set-false arguments).

python -m wpconfigr --filename /www/wp-config.php \
                    --key      DB_NAME

Code usage

To update a string holding wp-config.php content:

from wpconfigr import WpConfigString

config = WpConfigString(config_string)
config.set('DB_NAME', 'my_blog')
updated_config_string = config.content

To directly update a wp-config.php file:

from wpconfigr import WpConfigFile

config = WpConfigFile(filename)
config.set('DB_NAME', 'my_blog')
# File is updated immediately after each property update.

To read a property value:

db_name = config.get('DB_NAME')



wp-configr requires Python 3.x.

Installing dependencies

pip install -e .[dev]

Running tests

python test.py


v1.4 - 2018-12-06

  • Fixed bug where commented properties were read and updated.

v1.3 - 2018-12-02

  • Added --set-true and --set-false command-line flags.

v1.2 - 2018-12-02

  • No longer re-writes the configuration file if nothing has changed.

v1.1 - 2018-12-02

  • Added logging.
    • Test runs log everything.
    • Running from the command-line logs only CRITICAL by default, but can be overridden with the new optional --log-level argument.
  • Made the documentation a little clearer, and fixed a typo in a code sample.
  • Replaced internal naming references to FRACTIONAL with FLOAT. The word utterly eluded me for v1.0.
  • Fixed some code formatting and Pylint warnings.
  • Ignore coverage HTML reports in source control.

v1.0 - 2018-12-01

  • Initial release.