
A general AES-GCM en-/decryption utility with support for additional data (AEAD) and tweaks to work with the passwords encrypted by S&P Global's Xpressfeed applications, which use this algorithm

pip install xf-aes-gcm==1.0.0


AES-GCM en-/decryption, with AEAD and support for Xpressfeed passwords

This package's aim is to be able to handle general AES-GCM encryption and decryption, while still providing the constants and functionality required to inter-operate with S&P Global's Xpressfeed applications, as they use the same algorithm.

In essence, this package should be capable of producing and reading the same ciphertexts as the Xpressfeed applications.


First, ensure you are installing into a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip

Then use pip to install this package and its dependencies:

pip install -v \
--upgrade --force-reinstall \

There may be more recent, or beta, packages in the Test PyPI repository. To obtain one of these packages add the option

--extra-index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/

to the above command.

Command-line usage

xf-aes-gcm [-h|--help] [-v|--version]

____________ [-k KEY] [-i IV] [-t TAG_LEN] [-f [F]] [-a AAD]

____________ [--no-verify] [{ENC,DEC}]

Use xf-aes-gcm -h to bring up more details on these options and their default values, as well as several examples of how to use this package.