
Some small minimal helper functions for loading Excel

pip install xlhelper==0.1.0



Excel Sheet to Python Dict converter using openpyxl

XL helper (xlhelper) is a small python module built to import a defined Excel worksheet and convert the contained data into Ordered Dictionaries with the keys and values corresponding to a defined header row and the values of the rows.

This was heavily influenced by some work I did a few years ago and has since been updated to use generators in order to remain as efficient as possible with memory usage when reading large files.

Whilst the option remains to use something like pandas I was after a minimal installation and limited overhead.


ID Product Name Modifier
1 Whizbang 5000 Instant fame and fortune
2a Recursive Slingshot +5 annoyance


>>> import os
>>> import xlhelper
>>> from pprint import pprint

>>> xlpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                    'product listing.xlsx')

# Returns a standard dict (ordered alphanumerically)
>>> for i in xlhelper.sheet_to_dict(xlpath):
...   pprint(i)

{'ID': 1,
 'Modifier': 'Instant fame and fortune',
 'Product Name': 'Whizbang 5000'}
{'ID': '2a', 'Modifier': '+5 annoyance', 'Product Name': 'Recursive Slingshot'}

# Return an OrderedDict with original ordering from Excel file of columns
# maintained.
>>> pprint(xlhelper.sheet_to_dict(xlpath, keep_order=True))

OrderedDict([('ID', 1),
             ('Product Name', 'Whizbang 5000'),
             ('Modifier', 'Instant fame and fortune')])
OrderedDict([('ID', '2a'),
             ('Product Name', 'Recursive Slingshot'),
             ('Modifier', '+5 annoyance')])


From github:

git clone https://github.com/darth-veitcher/xlhelper.git
cd xlhelper
pip install .