
Interact with XMR.to, create and track your orders.

pip install xmrto-wrapper==0.3.0


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XMR.to wrapper

Interact with XMR.to.

This is built according to the XMR.to API documentation.

With https://test.xmr.to you can pay testnet BTC with stagenet XMR (including lightning payments).

How to

  • Get help
    • xmrto_wrapper -h
  • General usage
    • Create an order for an amount in BTC:
          # Create an order for 0.001 BTC:
          xmrto_wrapper create-order --destination 3K1jSVxYqzqj7c9oLKXC7uJnwgACuTEZrY --btc-amount 0.001
          # Result:
          {"uuid": "xmrto-p4XtrP", "state": "TO_BE_CREATED", "btc_dest_address": "3K1jSVxYqzqj7c9oLKXC7uJnwgACuTEZrY", "btc_amount": "0.001", "uses_lightning": false}
          # If XMR.to is fast enough with the order processing, the result can also be:
          {"uuid": "xmrto-LAYDkk", "state": "UNPAID", "btc_dest_address": "3K1jSVxYqzqj7c9oLKXC7uJnwgACuTEZrY", "btc_amount": "0.001", "uses_lightning": false, "receiving_subaddress": "86hZP8Qddg2KXyvjLPTRs9a7C5zwAgC21RcwGtEjD3RPCzfbu4aKBeYgqFgpcsNNCcP5iGuswbMKRFXLHiSu45sWMuRYrxc", "incoming_amount_total": "0.1373", "remaining_amount_incoming": "0.1373", "incoming_price_btc": "0.00728332", "btc_amount_partial": "0", "seconds_till_timeout": 2697, "created_at": "2020-05-01T18:47:57Z"}
      • --btc is the equivalent of --btc-amount and can be used interchangeably.
      • It's possible to give the amount in XMR, where --xmr is the equivalent of --xmr-amount (They can be used interchangeably).
            # Create an order for 1 XMR:
            xmrto_wrapper create-order --destination 3K1jSVxYqzqj7c9oLKXC7uJnwgACuTEZrY --xmr-amount 1
            # Result:
            {"uuid": "xmrto-JSSqo3", "state": "TO_BE_CREATED", "btc_dest_address": "3K1jSVxYqzqj7c9oLKXC7uJnwgACuTEZrY", "btc_amount": "0.00722172", "uses_lightning": false}
      • Use --follow to keep tracking the order.
      • Prior to v0.1 there used to be a separate sub command: --create-and-track-order. --follow provides the same behaviour.
    • Track an existing order:
          xmrto_wrapper track-order --secret-key xmrto-ebmA9q
      • --secret and --key are the equivalents of --secret-key and can be used interchangeably.
      • Use --follow to keep tracking the order.
    • Confirm an underpaid order (for an underpaid order):
          xmrto_wrapper confirm-partial-payment --secret-key xmrto-ebmA9q
      • --secret and --key are the equivalents of --secret-key and can be used interchangeably.
      • Use --follow to keep tracking the order.
    • Get the recent price for an amount in BTC:
          xmrto_wrapper check-price --btc-amount 0.01
      • --btc is the equivalent of --btc-amount and can be used interchangeably.
      • It's possible to give the amount in XMR, where --xmr is the equivalent of --xmr-amount (They can be used interchangeably).
             xmrto_wrapper check-price --xmr-amount 1
      • Use --follow to keep tracking the order.
  • The API used is --api v3 by default, so no need to actually set that parameter.
  • The URL used is --url https://xmr.to by default, so no need to actually set that parameter.
    • There also is --url https://test.xmr.to for stagenet XMR.
    • Often https://test.xmr.to has some new features available for testing.
  • More info
    • xmrto_wrapper.py --version
    • xmrto_wrapper.py --logo
  • The option --debug shows debug information.


  • xmrto_wrapper --help.
  • xmrto_wrapper create-order --help
  • ...

When importing as module from xmrto_wrapper import xmrto_wrapper environment variables are considered:

cli option environment variable
--invoice LN_INVOICE

requirements.txt vs. setup.py

According to these sources:

I try to stick to:

  • requirements.txt lists the necessary packages to make a deployment work.
  • setup.py declares the loosest possible dependency versions.

Creating requirements.txt

You won't ever need this probably - This is helpful when developing.

pip-tools is used to create requirements.txt.

  • There is requirements.in where dependencies are set and pinned.
  • To create the requirements.txt, run update_requirements.sh which basically just calls pip-compile.


  • There also is build_requirements.txt which only contains pip-tools. I found, when working with virtual environments, it is necessary to install pip-tools inside the virtual environment as well. Otherwise pip-sync would install outside the virtual environment.

A development environment can be created like this:

    # Create a virtual environment 'venv'.
    python -m venv venv
    # Activate the virtual environment 'venv'.
    . /venv/bin/activate
    # Install 'pip-tools'.
    pip install --upgrade -r build_requirements.txt
    # Install dependencies.
    pip-sync requirements.txt
    python -m xmrto_wrapper.xmrto_wrapper create-order --url https://test.xmr.to --api v3 --destination="tb1qkw6npn7ann5nw9f7l94qkqhh8pdtnsuxlw3v8q" --btc 0.5 --follow
    # Deactivate the virtual environment 'venv'.

Use as module

module_example.py shows how to import as module.


If installed using pip, a system executable will be installed as well. This way, you can just use the tool like every executable on your system.

xmrto_wrapper --help

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